Love Among the Waves (Conclusion)

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Upon waking up, you were naked and cozy in her embrace. "Alci?"

With her eyes closed, she buried her face into your hair, clinging to you like a mother would to its kitten. "Hm?"

"What time is it?"

"I don't know." Since most cruise ships had no clocks in their cabins, guests had to rely on their phones or watches to tell time.

"Your phone is on your side. Can you check the time?"

"Mhm." Instead of rolling over to grab her phone off the cabin drawer, she succumbed to sleepiness once again.

The room was too quiet. You tapped her arm. "Honey? Are you awake?" You smiled when you heard her groan in response. "Okay, I'll check it, then." Turning yourself around in her arms, you lifted yourself up and over her body to reach for her phone. "It's almost twelve! We slept in." You then wondered what your daughters were up to. "Do you think the girls are okay? Maybe they're wondering where we are?"

Knowing you would not fall back to sleep with her, Alcina shook herself out of her slumber. "They're probably glad we're not following them around and monitoring what they're doing."

"It's lunchtime. I bet they're at the buffet. We should join them! I'm hungry, especially after last night's workout." Leaning close to her face, you kissed the tip of her nose. Why was she so cute? "When should we tell them? I know they're supposed to stay with you after this trip. How are we going to make this work?"

Alcina knew you were going to ask this question, so she pondered it all last night, settling on a tentative plan. "This afternoon should work. I was thinking the girls could stay with you instead? I need time to put in my resignation, and selling my house will be a lengthy process."

"You'll move back?"

"Of course. You were right. Not everyone has to attend a university like I did. If our girls wish to go to college elsewhere, or if they don't want to, then I will honor their choice. It's not up to me to decide their future. I only know that I want my future to involve all of you."

You swelled with adoration for her, caressing the side of her pale face. "I could remarry you right now." Then you pulled back suddenly. "Ah, my breath is terrible. Sorry."

"It's not like mine is any better," Alcina remarked, throwing off the sheets to get out of bed. "I suppose we should dress. I'm sure the girls will have plenty of activities planned for us."

You slipped on your tank top, grabbing your pants next. "Can't wait. Let's make it as memorable as we can." You put on your blue jeans, your socks and shoes, and then you used her bathroom first. When you came out, you were getting more excited about telling your daughters the good news that you were going to be a family again. Everything could go back to the way things were.

"I'm finished! I'll head down and find them. I'll have us sit somewhere near the entrance."

"Wait." Alcina was in the middle of putting on her white button-up shirt. It was your favorite top of hers because that was what she had worn on her first date with you. "Do you mind waiting? I'll be done in a moment."

You already had your hand on the door handle. "Uh, why do you want me to wait? I'll get you a plate of that special seafood stuff you like if it's still there."

She kept her back turned to you as she finished with the last of her buttons. "I'm almost through. Just wait."

You furrowed your eyebrows at her, releasing the handle. "Okay. New rule. If we are getting back together, we need to learn to be more transparent with each other. Both of us need to work on our honesty. So, tell me why you want me to wait?"

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