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[Request from sammyy_ily ]

Rushing down the dock on a rainy day, you spun around to face your pursuer. "Get away from me! Get back! Come any closer and I'll knock your head off!"

The young woman in pursuit halted, feigning hurt and confusion. "I don't understand! Just come back inside the house and talk to me!"

"Like hell I will! You're not my sister! What have you done to her?"

"Excuse me? Have you lost it? I am your sister!"

"No, you're not! I don't know who or what you are, but my sister would never have a collection of pictures like that. I know what I saw! Those were pictures of dead people!"

She clasped her hands together, begging for you to listen to her. "They were models! Wax models! They're not real! Please, just hear me out! It's not what you think."

Shaking your head furiously, you gripped your old bat tighter. "I'm not coming anywhere near you. Last warning. Stay back!"

Her concerned facade melted away when she realized she wasn't fooling you anymore. "You shouldn't have looked through that box!" Your twin sister, who was a doppelgänger, charged at you.

Raising your bat, you swung it at her face, but she dodged just in time. Baring her teeth at you, she lunged forward, forcing you to stumble backwards. Unfortunately, you were not meant to lose your footing. You slipped on the slick dock and fell into the lake.


Emerging from the water, you rubbed your eyes and stared into the digital movie cameras surrounding you. "Sorry, guys. Didn't mean to slip."

The director walked along the deck, pausing to speak to your co-star. After a brief exchange, she approached you. Near the edge of the dock, the tall woman bent over, stretching her hands out to you. "Excellent work!"

You spat out the musty taste of lake water. "Excellent? For my major blooper?"

"It was perfect. Your frightened face and unintentional fall captured the essence of terror. We only need to edit it slightly, and then we'll move on to the next scene, where you'll be swimming away from her. Here, take my hands."

You swam over to her, reaching up for her outstretched hands. Once you firmly grasped them, she pulled you out of the water as if you were a beach toy. From behind the tall woman, you caught your co-star stifling a laugh with her hand. There had been whispers among the cast members. Whispers that involved a certain prolific director named Alcina Dimitrescu having eyes for the leading actress, which was you. You had dismissed your co-stars' inane remarks and rumors multiple times, claiming they were only trying to ignite a romance that wasn't there. You respected your director. Although you had good chemistry with Alcina, you didn't picture yourself with her. You were too focused on your acting career. Like many other aspiring actors and actresses, stardom was your goal. Not only that, but you hoped that someday you'd become a successful director like Alcina.

Having your thoughts consumed by your dreams, you hardly noticed someone wrapping a towel around your shoulders. "There you are. Let me take you back to your trailer so you can change into dry clothes and relax. We'll continue with our tense scene tomorrow."

Lifting the towel, you patted your face and then your ears. You then tipped your head sideways to drain the trapped water. "We're done for the day?"

"Yes," she replied. "It's almost dusk, and the mosquitoes are beginning to feast on the crew."

You chuckled, feeling chilled by the evening breeze. "Well, that's not good. You know, I'm glad we get to film this scene at an actual lake instead of relying on a green screen or CGI."

The Love of Lady Dimitrescu X Female Reader || One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now