The Interview Part 7

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Somehow, during the middle of the night, the pillow wall you had built between you and Alcina was on the floor. You woke up, finding yourself being snuggled by her. She had one arm wrapped protectively around your waist while her other one was resting along your upper thigh.

Admittedly, you were warm in her embrace. You didn't know which one was more surprising: having her hug you like this, or that she actually stayed in bed with you this time. "Alcina? Are you awake?"

Being half asleep, she groaned into your hair, dreaming about hugging you in bed. Yet once her eyes fluttered open, she was startled. She took her arms off you, moving away. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to touch you. I don't know where that pillow—" She lifted herself off the mattress, removing something lumpy from underneath her. "What is this?"

"One of my mushrooms." You snatched the pillow from her. "It's part of a mushroom pillow collection. I started collecting them when I was a teen. They're kinda cute, so I keep them around."

Alcina laid down again. "Collecting objects can be visually stimulating."

You rolled over to face her. "And some of them, awfully cuddly."

"If only I were a part of such a fine collection..."

Playfully, you threw your pillow at her head. "Hey, don't make fun of my collection of mushroom plushies!"

She failed to hide her growing smirk. "I'm not making fun of it. It's a compliment, darling. I only wish I could be one of your cherished mushrooms because then you'd cuddle me."

"You're unbelievable, you know that?"

She had a knowing grin on her face. "I can believe that."

Gazing into her hypnotic eyes, you bumped her foot with yours. "So, you really love me, then?"

She lit up at you, nodding. "I love you. I'll tell you that every minute of every day."

You lowered your head behind your pillow. A burning sensation crawled up your cheeks. "Well, I don't need to hear it every minute, but I could settle for every hour?"

She brightened. "Gladly. Now, what do you want for breakfast? I can make decent omelettes?"

"You don't even know where all my pots and pans are in my kitchen."

"I can figure it out." Alcina got out of your bed, trying to fix her hair. "Let me surprise you?"

"Frankly, you're already surprising me. You're acting like a servant, or more like my personal chef."

Before leaving your room, she spun around in a gallant manner. "Alcina. At your service, my lady." Hearing your laugh was the most wondrous thing she had heard. She was committed to making you laugh as often as she could.

While she made breakfast, you hurried to the bathroom to clean up and change into different clothes. If you had any that suited her size, you would have offered them to her. Suddenly, you heard something crash on the floor from your kitchen. You came out of your bathroom to check on her. "You good out there? I heard something fall?"

"I dropped the pan. It's fine."

"That doesn't sound fine." You headed out into your kitchen to find that she was looking through each of your cupboards for certain ingredients. As adorable as it was to watch her, you jumped in to help.

Cooking alongside her, you considered your future from a realistic standpoint. If your dad wasn't going to make it, you asked yourself if it was worth giving her another chance to be in your life. It wasn't as though you'd mind having her company, but you were rightfully anxious about her leaving you. What if things got hard? What if your grief became too much for her? Would she get into another cab and drive off again? "Where do we go from here?"

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