The Fragility of a Flower

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Every day, she watched you leave for work and come back. Sometimes, she'd see your girlfriend emerge from your house to greet or help you carry groceries inside. For nearly two years, you had been her neighbor. Alcina hardly knew you, as she had only welcomed you and your girlfriend to the neighborhood upon your arrival. Once, you had asked her if you could borrow some salt, which she was happy to provide. Aside from that one brief interaction with you, she only glimpsed tidbits of your life from her expansive gardening area in the front of her home.

Alcina Dimitrescu was a retired woman who spent most of her time under the blazing sun, the dark spots on her skin had grown as did her love for planting flowers. Every flower was like her baby. She named each of them and spoke to them as if they were her children. Her flowers were her company.

All of her attention went to her babies until the day your girlfriend broke up with you. It was hurtful for Alcina to witness. When it took place, she was sitting out on her front patio, sipping the last drops of her wine.

You hurried out of your house, chasing after your girlfriend in tears. You had begged her if there was anything you could say or do to make her stay. But your girlfriend had already hailed a cab. She had all her belongings in her luggage and was stuffing it inside the cab before she addressed you. Alcina only caught a few heated words between you and her. She didn't have to be a mind reader to know it was ugly.

Your girlfriend got into the cab, slamming the door shut out of frustration. Alcina watched you withdraw, resigning yourself to the shocking truth that you were now a single woman again. The tall woman timed you on her watch, counting how many minutes you stood on that sidewalk with your empty expression. The love of your life and the future you looked forward to having with her vanished before your eyes. Your girlfriend was gone. You visibly choked on a sob before you retreated inside the safe walls of your home.

Alcina bowed her head, swirling around the remaining red liquid of her drink before heading inside her house. For the most peculiar reason, she couldn't stop thinking about you. Picturing you crying yourself to sleep that night robbed her of her peace.

In the early morning light, Alcina arose. On this particular day, however, she forewent her customary breakfast and instead ventured into her blooming garden. Her objective was to cut some of the freshest flowers for you. She carefully arranged the selected flowers in a small glass vase in her kitchen, filling it with the right amount of water. She patiently awaited your departure for work before she snuck over to your house. With precision, she positioned the vase squarely in the center of your front porch, ensuring it was visible and not a tripping hazard. Parting with her cherished flowers was challenging for her, yet she reminded herself you were in greater need of them.

When you returned home from work that evening, a delightful surprise of vibrant flowers greeted you. At first, you were filled with a glimmer of hope, thinking your estranged girlfriend had reconsidered and come back to you. Much to your disappointment, that was not the case. Attached to the vase was a small sticky note that read: Thought of you when I picked these. Alcina D.

Perplexed, you examined the note before casting a surprised glance at your neighbor's house. An act of such kindness from Alcina Dimitrescu was unexpected. From your observations, she was an introverted woman, who was always tending to her garden whenever you noticed her. You didn't even know whether or not she had any family. You never got to know her because you were too absorbed with your busy life. You marveled once more at the red and white flowers, captivated by their beauty. Your lips curled into a slight smile as you unlocked your front door and stepped inside.

Overwhelmed with your full-time job and the emotional turmoil of your recent breakup, you didn't make the effort to visit Alcina's home until a week later. With a sense of nervousness, you approached her house, knocking twice on her door. As you waited, you admired the entirety of her meticulously maintained garden. Alcina's exceptional care for her yard was evident. The garden's splendor was a testament to her hard work. You had seen plenty of neglected gardens and discolored yards littered with empty beer bottles and trash. Alcina's yard, however, was the tidiest and prettiest one you had laid eyes on.

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