The Family Classroom

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"Attention! Attention! Eyes up here!" Striking the pointer stick against the chalkboard, Elana got the attention of her older sisters, who were sagging in their chairs from role playing for two hours as students.

"How are we still doing astronomy?" Cassandra asked, yawning loudly. "Can't we move on to some other subject? Science or art?"

"What about geography?" Bela suggested, sitting next to Cassandra and behind Daniela. "Is there any music in this classroom? I've always wanted to learn how to play the cello."

"Uh, I—don't—" Elana stammered, checking her list of subjects she was to teach.

Since her mother purchased a chalkboard for her and Alex, even providing them with authentic school desks and school supplies for their made-up 'classroom,' the twins held lessons together weekly. Elana took it upon herself to be the teacher, while Alex was the headmaster . It was hard enough for them to gather and drag all of their siblings in and make them behave.

Daniela tossed her littlest sister a goofy grin for being so adorable. "Elana? Are you good over there?"

"It's Miss Dimitrescu!" Elana corrected. "You must address me as so!"

"Goodness!" Daniela gasped, feigning shock. "You are bossy, young lady! You're sounding more and more like Bela."

Bela snorted and flicked her eraser at Daniela's ear. "Quiet, dingus! Pay attention to the lesson like a good student."

"Anyway!" Elana cleared her throat. "Back to the topic. Who can tell me the color of dwarf stars?"

"They range from blue to red!" Alex yelled from across the room, grinning to himself for knowing the answer.

"Alex!" Elana jabbed her stick at him. "You're not an active student, remember? You're the headmaster of our school."

Alex moaned and threw his head back. "But I'm bored and just standing here with nothing to do! And I knew the answer faster than anyone, so..."

"You get to teach next week, okay? Like we agreed? Oh, I hear Mama coming. You can help her settle in a desk."

You rushed in with your pencil and notebook tucked under your arm while carrying a plate in your hand. Smiling at all of your kiddos in the classroom, you searched for a seat. "I'm here! I know I'm tardy. Please excuse me, there was a mess in the kitchen that needed my attention before coming. But I brought you and our distinguished headmaster muffins!"

Elana welcomed you in with her brightest attitude. "You are forgiven! You can set the plate on my desk and then take a seat wherever you want."

"Come and sit by me, Mom!" Daniela said, patting the empty desk beside her with enthusiasm.

"Very well." You set the plate down and watched your son come over to grab a muffin. He was a growing boy who needed to eat twice as much as his sisters. Sometimes it blew your mind how much he could consume in one afternoon.

"Hey! What are you doing?" Elana questioned her brother.

Her twin challenged her with a hard stare. "Taking a muffin because I'm hungry and bored. Keep teaching the class, and I'll eat and watch all of you. I run this school, remember? I can do what I want."

His twin rolled her eyes at him. "Just don't eat all of them. Alright, now that Mama's here, we're switching subjects and analyzing literature!"

"Hurray." Cassandra pumped her fist into the air half-heartedly. "Finally moving on from the galaxies. Whoop. Whoop."

Daniela leaned over to your desk and whispered to you, "You brought them a plate of muffins, but you didn't bring me any?"

"Us," Bela clarified, not caring if she was heard. "She meant us. You didn't bring the three of us any?"

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