George + Gender netrual! Reader

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(Y/N):Your name
(L/N):Last name
(GR/N):Group name

"Wait! No, I can explain-"

"(Y/N), not another word! I have never seen such behavior, what is wrong with you?! Did you hit your head this morning?!"

Xavier held tightly on your lower forearm while walking you somewhere so you two could be alone. Maya was following from the side writing something down but you couldn't see what when you tried to take a look. "Why did I need to be a hero...?"You thought to yourself biting your lip nervously. Where did it all go wrong?


You adjusted your hat and began walking confidently, you had to look like you were above everyone so they wouldn't misbehave. Or at least that was what King Xavier always tried to get in your head. You were apart of King Xaviers side of the creek and playing there made you feel like his puppet. But a few weeks ago Xavier ended up invading another side of the creek that was nothing like your side, or at least until he came. You hated seeing Xavier bully other kids, but if you tried to stop him he would throw you into the maze or get you grounded so you were forced to just step to the side and say nothing to him.

You were just there, all alone being a stupid bystander in this once peaceful creek. But then you met George from those Tea Timers, you met him when the tea timers willow tree area was taken away by Xavier. You saw him looking sad sitting alone watching Xavier make the champions make the willow tree area into what he wanted. Soon you and George were inseparable, later on in you guys friendship George introduced you to Eliza and Jane his other friends. At first they were skeptical of you because you were apart of Xaviers side but over time they grew to like you.

As you were walking, you opened up a locket you had around your neck that you hid underneath your shirt. The photo was you with the tea timers the day you could actually consider the four of you actual friends. You later put it back under your (GR/N) shirt and kept walking, until you heard a shout in a bush you knew that voice well by now...

It was George, you looked closer but stayed out of sight. You saw George on the ground at the blacktop with dirt on his blue suit and had two acorn knights in front of him and one of the water lilies. You hid in the bushes more and saw them yelling at him, you saw the fear in George's eyes as he just sat there in fear. You gulped and eyed your back pocket in thought. In there was a pocket knife, your parents made you take one whenever you went somewhere alone since this world is unpredictable and they didn't want you getting hurt so they gave you your first weapon to defend yourself.

"Are you just gonna sit there and be a punk?! God you tea timers are stupid"The water lily said, "Suck it up, so what if our king took your dumb little tea party area away? Do you want to be in the maze? Ya blue baby"The acorn knight said then rolled his eyes. When George tried to say something, the other acorn knight slapped him with the back of his hand.

"That's enough, you assholes!"

You shouted running to the playground, "Oh look who wanted to be a hero, go back to the (GR/N) where you belong (Y/N), this isn't your business"The water lily scoffed, you ignored her comment and whispered something into Georges ear. "Run off while you still can George, I'll deal with this, okay?"You whispered. George nodded and ran off quickly.

"You really had to fight his own battles for him, he must be a total punk-"The water lily said but you slapped her, "Shut up! You all should be ashamed of yourselves for picking on my friend! You're all monsters like that careless dolt boy you call a king, but he's not a king he's a monster!"You shouted. You couldn't believe you actually got that off your chest, you wanted to say that for a bit but couldn't.

But sadly, push came to shove and they were fighting you. It was three against one, how unfair! "I'm fighting for my friend, it'll be worth it"You thought to yourself as you tried to fight them off, but one of the acorn knights pushed you to the ground on the blacktop causing you to scrap your elbow. Guess that was where you snapped and got a little violent at the playground.

As you got up you reached into your backpocket and pulled out your pocket knife and flipped it to show the blade while stumbling to get off your butt. "DO SOME MORE SHIT, I DARE YOU!"You screamed pointing that knife to them all finally on your feet. The water lily took a step back unable to take her eyes off your knife pointing to the three bullies. "Ah! Crazy bitch!"The acorn knights shouted then the three of them ran off in fear.

You inhaled then exhaled and flipped your pocket knife blade back into the handle, you were surprised you didn't get any blood on it.

"(Y/N) (L/N)!"

Oh no...You gulped and spun around and saw Xavier on his throne with shock in the eyes. Maya was by his side with her bat out, "Xavier, I-"You tried to say putting your knife away in your back pocket but Xavier jumped down from his throne and grabbed your forearm and rushed you somewhere else. Now you could tell you were in trouble.

Time skip

You sat alone and sighed, Xavier ended up telling you wait there for him to scold you. But as you sat, you felt a sting in your elbow that was scraped. You looked and saw it was George putting some disinfectant on your scraped elbow. "George?"You said confused, "I...Saw you fight those bullies for me..."George said placing a bandaid on your elbow. "Yeah...I'll be fine, it was worth it I'm just glad you're okay"You smiled, George smiled back at you and wrapped his arms around you. "Thanks, (Y/N)"George thanked as you hugged him as well.

Hey, just decided to pop in. Also, fun fact about this, this was originally gonna be Craigson and was at first gonna be named, 'Playground violent'. But sadly I had to change it to a reader story because 1, I didn't know how I was gonna make everything fit. I think Jasons parents wouldn't think he was old enough to be with a pocket knife. And I didn't think Jason would feel the need to take one to the creek so a reader story is what it became. But I hope you still liked the story.

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