Don't fuck this up cupid (Multi-Ship) Part 1

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Song at the top is the inspo for this fic. Ships:Keun Sup x Jason (Acorn Blossom), Craig x Jason (Craigson). I literally don't care if you pretend the characters are older in this but if you do they're no older than 14.

Jason's POV:Monday morning of school, my head drooped down at my phone, Keun Sup hadn't texted me since the second day of school. Maybe he's busy...Yeah, some teachers suck and give homework on the first day of school, like Tony's.

Keun Sup and I have been together since the first day of summer, we were right there at the creek. I had started liking him and I didn't know he was taking an interest in me too before we sat down together at the hill where we'd all gather around to look at the lightning bugs and make our wishes. I was with Keun Sup while Boris and Tony were running around trying to get a hold of any lighning bug to make a summer wish, I had just made mine so I was relaxing on the grass. My wish was the same as last summer, that soon cupid will acknowledge me and put me with someone...Besides, I was done with being left alone with no love. Tired of going home to people who don't care about you...

Months before

Hopefully cupid won't be an idiot and make his arrow hit someone like Big Red, not to judge Boris's taste, he's rather young but Big Red is just a girl to avoid. To this day I don't understand how cupid could have shot his arrow into Boris and Big Red like that.

A lightning bug peacefully landed in Keun Sup's palms as it glowed, I noticed him smirk at it and look up at me "Aren't you gonna make a wish?"I teased seeing he was staring up at me instead of hurrying up to make his wish, "Heh, course I will..."Keun Sup kneeled his face down at the lightning bug "I wish, for me and Jason to have an amazing summer together".

It was as if Keun Sup purposefully wanted me to hear his wish.

Wait Jason, think rationally...Maybe he just wants our friendship to be better since when Xavier took over, maybe-

"Jason Durchdenwald, will be my summer boyfriend? Ah, course there's no strings attached but...How does that sound?".

My face turned bright red at that question and it felt like I swallowed a bug, I didn't look to see if Boris and Tony had made their wishes and were heading back causing them to hear Keun Sup. But whether or not anyone besides me or Keun Sup heard, I put on a wide smile and said yes. It wasn't even Valentine's Day, yet cupid and my lightning bug were so quick

After that, Tony and Boris were happy I was happy. Surprisingly even Craig was when he heard.

I wanted to do just about everything with Keun Sup, I wanted to make us have little connections everyday but maybe that was because that was my first 'relationship'. I didn't have anyone else to back me up when it came to dating, thanks for nothing dad and Eleanor.

One day me and Keun Sup were relaxing on a hill as the summer breeze hit us, I saw a fluffy white bird and I shot myself up to look at it. "Keun Sup, look at that bird! Isn't it pretty?"In hopes of a converstation, I turned to Keun Sup. He lightly turned his head and nodded, agreeing with me. I had attempted at a meaningful conversation together. But Keun Sup was more in the means of something causal. I gave up and laid back down beside him, but Keun Sup wanted to hold my hand for the remainer of the time so I was happy.

Months later

I kept staring at the phone screen, I put it away seeing the teacher stand in front of the class "Alright, class get out your books we'll be doing some warm ups before we get started on our math!"Mrs. Melnir told the class, her long nails running through her curly light brown hair.

Hours later

Lunch time, Boris had to leave early and Tony was on his way to school just now cause he had to deal with something before school, so until then I was alone at lunch. I checked my phone again, Keun Sup still hasn't texted me, I never liked being the one to text first even though it started being like that during when school rolled around. Maybe this wouldn't hurt....I pressed my thumbs against the keyboard, a simple 'hey' should do.

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