Update on my X Reader break

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Hello, so you know how a month ago I said I wanted to take a break from X Readers? So I'm working on a X Reader but before I publish it I wanna say one thing.

I don't know if I wanna accept requests that are X Readers. But if I do, try to keep X Readers limited because I don't wanna constantly be writing that, however I will accept platonic stories with the reader but maybe not romance.

I didn't want this book to become only X Reader stuff and I don't want that being the only thing people want me to make when I have other stuff. Not that I'm against it I just wanna write other things and I don't want the book to become an X Readers book. Will I do X Readers? Yes, but just not so often/Only when I feel like it.

I won't spill any details on the X Reader cause I wanna avoid spoilers. But all I gotta say is, when I was writing it I randomly was about to cry at my own work. Not trying to brag really I'm not, I didn't know why I began lightly crying I just did. Just a small warning if you also start crying when reading this I'm so sorry, have some tissues 🤧

Also requests are closed cause I'm on a trip.

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