911, what's your emergency? (Craigson)

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Jason and Craig are 18 in this. This is a crack fic, do NOT take this seriously even a little bit.

Jason's POV:Night shifts sucked, I mean I always stayed up Saturday's but not cause of work. I watched the telephone on my desk, believe it or not, not a single call made it to me yet all my coworker's phones were going off.

*Sighs* Okay, how did I end up here...?

Oh yeah, I needed the money yet a 911 operator was all I could land, it's fine...You're fine, at least you think you are. So this what speech therapy could do to me in elementary school?

Oh hey, elementary school. When I could just go to the creek and escape Eleanor's chihuahuas or my dad talking fucking loud over the phone, it was nice...Oh wait-

Craig, damnit Craig just remembered him.

Me and Craig talked every now and then in middle school and high school we actually hung out a lot but I'm not sure, I'm not sure if he liked me back. Now Craig is busy with college and our talks were shorter and shorter, *Sighs* If only I could say how much I liked you, Craig.

After watching my coworker try to calm a woman down over the phone, something about her kid eating a lemon and dying? Dunno if he's dead, but my the phone began ringing. Huh. Guess I won't spend the...Uh, next 5 hours of my shift bored. I picked up the phone and raised the phone to my ear, "911, what's your emergency?".

Craig's POV:College sucked, like really sucked. At this point I'm starting to think there's more coffee in my body than all the other liquids, my dorm mate is probably a drug dealer but I have no proof, at least not yet.

Grandma and grandad were happy I was home from college so they decided to just, come over. Ask if how school is, how my grades were, if I found anyone...AH! I hated that question, looking at you Aunt Kim when I came home from my last day as a senior in high school.

I tried sitting at the table collecting my thoughts, guess I couldn't have a moment silence when I overheard a crash in the living room then grandma Jojo screaming.

Bernard rushed to where I was, "Craig! Grandpa Earl is having a heart attack! We need you to call an ambulance for him, go go go!"Bernard pushed me towards the phone almost making me fall face first.

Maybe I should put that kickstarter to put down my brother back up, I just need to come with some more benefits besides me getting pushed way less.

I grabbed the phone and pushed in the buttons to 911, "911, what's your emergency?".

"My grandad is having a heart attack!"

"Wait, Craig Williams, the mapmaker of the creek?"

Wait, that slight lisp...That that...Could that be...

"Jason the junior forest scout?

I do not know what to say...What is Jason doing as a 911 operator? Wait, damnit Craig...You would know, if only you weren't stuck doing those college tests and exams...And other stuff people do at college that the author of this fic doesn't know about cause she's not in college...

"I...I missed you..."Jason says over the phone.

Jason's POV:Ah! Damnit Jason, who reunites with an old friend and crush and the first thing they say is, 'I miss you' HOW?!

"I...I love you..."

I could feel the tears run down his face over the phone as if he was gonna burst into tears realising it is me over the phone "O-Oh, Craig...I...I love you too...", I did not know what to say. I never thought this midnight shift would be the cause of me finally confessing my feelings to my love, but atlas his grandfather is having a heart attack. "Oh wait, my granddad..."Craig remembered last minute "Don't worry, I have your address memorised, unless you moved or you're at someone else's house..." "The only place I am is your heart-" "Craig your grandfather is dying" "Ah! Oh uh...No, I'm at my house, same address...".

I sent the ambulance to Craig's address and stayed on the phone with him, but then I realised I couldn't stay on much longer. "I'm sorry but I have to hang up, someone might also be dying" "Oh, okay, good night sweet Prince..."

"Good night, mapboy" And I hung up the phone, not long after someone else was calling.

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