Gossip (Paloma X Keun Sup)

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Keun Sup and Paloma are 14 in this.

Paloma and Keun Sup sat boredly but stilly in the back of their history class. They were forced to watch a boring stupid video on something they weren't interested in. Luckily they didn't have to take notes and the teacher was at her desk looking like she didn't give a shit about what her students were doing she just wanted summer to come so she'd get to relax this time and not teaching summer school like last year.

Keun Sup eyed the clock, 40 more minutes left. Paloma's head was buried in her arms as Keun Sup sat next to her. Keun Sup stared at Palomas shiny black hair in a ponytail. Keun Sup remembered the previous times he would play with Palomas hair while talking about what they wanted to do in life. But they haven't done that since their creek days. "Psst, Palomy"Keun Sup whispered to his girlfriend, "Hm?".

"Look, Paloma remember when we used to go to the creek and I'd play with your hair?"Keun Sup said walking his fingers to Palomas shoulder, Paloma nodded then sat up a bit. "Well, to get through this class I was wondering if I could uh...-"Keun Sup began speaking but before he finished up the sentence Paloma was already taking her hair tie out her hair and letting it go down like a waterfall. She put the hair tie to the side on her desk then put her head down in front of Keun Sup.

"Please, do what you want".

Keun Sup redden and didn't hesitate to start putting his fingers through Palomas black hair, he missed the nice touch of it. "Hey, want some gossip while I play with your hair?"Keun Sup whispered, "Yes please...".

Keun Sup smiled in pleasure and got on with the gossip. "If you say so...Ya hear about that hockey game with those kids...What were their names...? Oh yeah Gordy and Keef, apparently people keep saying they cheated"Keun Sup said fiddling with a strand of hair on Palomas head. "Cheating? Huh, you know what tell me all the gossip you have..."Paloma said.

Keun Sup told Paloma more about the gossip he had about Keef and Gordy. But then he moved onto Jane aka the Glitter Bitch of the school, turns out she started a lip gloss business and was selling homemade lip gloss to everyone at school and online but some girl was saying that Jane put something in the lip gloss that made her lips swell really bad. Hearing this, Paloma remembered the lip gloss she brought from Jane but forgot to try it due to how busy she was getting. "Oh, that's right you brought some from Glitter bitch last week did you?"Keun Sup said running his fingers through Palomas hair, "I did...I'll just avoid putting it on until Janes name gets cleared"Paloma shrugged going back to enjoying the nice feeling of her significant other playing with her hair.

For a couple more minutes, the couple just gossiped and laughed while Keun Sup played with Palomas hair. Soon, the phone rang and the teacher picked up the phone. "Paloma, you're getting picked up"The teacher said, Keun Sup took his fingers from out of Palomas hair as she got up and grabbed her hair tie to tie her hair back up. "Looks like I'm heading home early, bye love"Paloma smiled then kissed Keun Sup on the cheek, "Bye, don't tell anyone but you're not the only one getting out this class"Keun Sup winked. Paloma started to giggle knowing what her boyfriend meant then walked to the office so she could get picked up by her mom but also hoping her boyfriend wouldn't get into any trouble trying to sneak out of class today, but she'll see.

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