Drunken brother in law (Craigson)

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Jason and Craig are in their 20s during this fic, also this is a simple semi Drabble. Sorry Craig and Jason aren't gonna directly interact but their marriage is brought up and explicitly stated.

Jason cracked one eye open then the other, alcohol could be smelt from his lips and his messy ponytail was collecting dust from the floor. Jason dragged his fingertips from the floor, he slowly sat up and blinked a few times. If the post wedding party was this wild he could only imagine him and Craig's honeymoon. "Hey, can you stand?"Bernard crept from behind the kitchen door towards Jason "I-I think so..."Jason sighed pushing back his messy blond ponytail trying to look around to see where Craig was.

Bernard kneeled down beside Jason to pick something up from the ground and placed it back on the kitchen counter. Jason sighed fixing his hair, "H-Hey, uh...I'm really sorry if I caused any trouble, I probably made a mess-"Jason tried apologising and Bernard took a seat next to him surprisingly not paying attention to the possibly dirty floor "Ay ay, don't worry too much about it for now. I know you, you always clean up after yourself and do basically everything you can to help..."Bernard let himself chuckle. "For now rest a little bit cause you're likely half drunk and your husband is in his old room cause he's in the same state...Besides, I gotta make sure you don't overwork yourself, Craig told me of all the times you try to push through the days when you know damn well you can't and he'd just put you to bed and kiss your forehead...You're family now, you're Jason Williams...". The name rolled off Bernard's tongue like a dream and Jason felt a small sparkle in his eyes.

Jason took a moment to himself to think a moment, think about the times he forgot his house keys and he'd stay the night, the times when he was upset or stressed Craig let him vent no matter how much he cried and Jason would do the same for him, the time he was eating dinner with Craig's family and Jessica was talking about her day at school, then as if it was magic he and Craig just held hands under the table until they were finished eating. The warmth Jason would feel when he stepped foot in the Williams house but it would run cold when he was in the presence of Eleanor or his father.

The coldness of their glances at him, his father asking if there was any improvement on anything and feel annoyed if Jason said no or the progress wasn't enough for him to brag about.

But, Craig proposed all those months ago.

The words just slipped out of him and he got out a ring that looked like it was being saved for this moment, he felt the warmth again and then kisses from Craig after Jason said yes.

Jason couldn't help it anymore, he just cried.

Family, ha, the word was hilarious to him honestly. If hilarious meant sham...

Jason cried in his hands.

Bernard looked at Jason for a moment watching the tears roll off his cheeks and create a puddle in Jason's hands.

Bernard sighed once more, the man wasn't stupid. From the start he knew about Jason's home situation,  how no one there even bothered to eat together like a family and if they did it would only be of Eleanor and Jason's father...Based off the neglect from Jason's dad and step mom he would overhear his parents rant about Bernard was surprised Jason's scout uniform wasn't the only change of clothes he owned.

Bernard sighed and wrapped his arm around Jason's shoulder, he just let him cry. He didn't mind the snot or ugly expression that was behind those hands. He just made sure Jason got what he missed from his father for all his life, a shoulder to cry on. It saddened him knowing Jason may not remember this from his gang over but he didn't let it ruin the moment.

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