Wildernessa X Male! Shy! Nature lover! Reader

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Requested by:Luke_Kings
Song at the top is the inspiration for this fic.
(S/C):Skin color
(Y/N):Your name
Also sorry for the semi slow updates, I've been tired, busy with school and busy with another fanfic. In the future I hope updates can come a little more quick.

The grass you stretched your legs on tickled your ankles and the past rain on the grass kissed your (S/C) skin. You sat down and your shorts started to get wet cause of the grass, you wrapped a flower nearby between your finger tips and sniffed it. The creek, nature's home, your safe space. Despite your parents disagreements you loved the presence of nature so much, they favored you liking sports but you never enjoyed them or was good at them so you crawled away to the creek. Maybe your parents should have saved the game for the girls on the tennis court.

"Cheesesticks, no!"

You heard a girl scream, suddenly you saw a giant dog run towards you. You shouted and quickly got up out his way for the dog who seems to be named Cheesesticks. Thankfully the girl who yelled out his name caught him in time, she was bare foot like you and had a ripped up teddy bear as a hat. She calmed the large dog down then looked towards you, she saw her dog startled you and she walked towards you. Since you were always a shy person you backed away slowly seeing how close she was getting towards you, she got confused to why you were backing up but she acted like she wasn't.

"Sorry if my dog Cheesesticks startled you he can get a little wild at times"The girl apologized not taking anymore steps. "I-It's okay..."You mumbled then you saw her focus on your shoulder, "Hey, don't move"She said then reached over to your shoulder and pulled a caterpillar from off your shoulder. "A monarch caterpillar..."You and the girl mumbled in perfect unison seeing the caterpillar crawl around her fingers "Oh hey, you know stuff about bugs?"The girl perked an interest in your knowledge.

You gulped not expecting her to have an interest in what you knew, you thought she'd ignore you and just walk off with her dog. "Yeah...I know a lot of nature related stuff..."You replied. She looked over to Cheesesticks who seemed to have tired himself out and was now taking a nap on his stomach on the grass where all the roses were. "How bout you tell me what you know"The girl said then walked towards her dog to take a seat on him with you "O-oh...I'd like that, hey what's your name again?"You asked then sat next to her on the large dog "You can call me Wildernessa".

Time skip

"(Y/N), how bout you try for a sport again? Quitters don't make good-"Your dad tried to say when you went into the kitchen to get a snack "I don't like sports"You cut him off and got out the kitchen with your snack. At your window sill was a potted plant, then your phone started ringing, you're getting a call who could it be?

You flipped your phone over to see who it was.

Oh, it was Vanessa, the girl who made you feel dumb.

You and Vanessa's friendship blossomed more than you thought it would now you were left crushing on her. Due to how shy you were, you struggled with communicating your feelings for Vanessa, not only were you bad at sports but you also sucked at love.

Nonetheless, you picked up the phone. Vanessa wanted to hang at the creek with you today. You told her you'll be right there once you were done with taking care of your plants and you hung up. You sighed and gave each of your plants their water, why was love so confusing?

You watered your plants and met with Vanessa, now that you thought about it maybe you weren't the only one who was a little confusing when it came to love.

One time, the two of you were trapped on some island during winter and at one point she did some bird call towards you. "Jesus christ she's so confusing..."You thought to yourself that day and never asked about it. But then again, not that you were any less confusing.

One time she was over at your house and you were making silly doodles with you and her together before she came, she was so close to finding it but in a panic you crumbled it up into a ball and put it in your mouth. She didn't ask any questions but she gave you a weird look. Vanessa tried acting like she didn't just see you eat a paperball but you felt totally embarrassed that she probably was thinking you're an idiot.

If love was a game, you were betting your dollars and dimes you were losing.  The stuttering and stammering in your speech you knew was enough to make her not like you.

But enough of that. When you found Vanessa she was sitting down in a field of roses with Cheesesticks. When she saw you she gestured her hand for you to sit next to her, you sat down and looked at the roses. You analysed their thorns and petals, before you knew it you were picking one and handing it to Vanessa. "Thanks, but what's this for?"She asked taking the flower avoiding the thorns on the stem. "For being such a good friend"You made up.

"Last time I checked roses meant love"

That got a chuckle out of her and a blush out of you, "O-Oh..."You mumbled at your mistake "Jesus Christ you're so confusing..."Vanessa chuckled at you and set the flower down. "Speak for yourself..."You joked at her back with your face red but Wildernessa took it more seriously than you thought "What do you mean?".

You were surprised she asked but said what you said anyways, "Well, when we got trapped on that island back in winter you did your little bird call dance..I didn't know what it was so I acted like I knew what you were doing and rolled with it...".

Vanessa blinked and didn't answer, then she did. "(Y/N), that wasn't a bird call dance I was trying to say I liked you but you didn't pick up on it so I went along with what you thought it was and didn't correct you. Not only are you bad at sports but you're bad at social cues..."Wildernessa teased.

You blinked a few times and looked at your wallet in your pocket, maybe pretending to bet your money about Wildernessa not liking you was for nothing now. She gave context to her odd gesture maybe it wouldn't hurt to just explain yours. "Oh...Well funny story also, remember that time I put that paper ball in my mouth? I actually did that cause uh...I doodled stuff of us together on it, funny actually..."You nervously laughed.

You panicked when you saw she was just staring at you, it was looking like she found the fact you drew her and you together was weird. But Wildernessa knew what you were thinking about and laughed a little, "I'm kidding! Sucks you ruined your drawings, nature boy"She teased and the afternoon sun smiled brightly on you two love birds for the whole day.

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