Freshman lovers (Paloma X Keun Sup)

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The song at the top is what inspired me to write this. But also a quick warning about the song, the lyrics are quite explicit so if you're not into that I recommend not listening to the song. I said it gave me the idea because one, it's true and two I didn't wanna take credit. I heard this song randomly when I was looking for some new music to try out. Also, Paloma and Keun Sup are 14 in this.

Keun Sups POV:Okay, backpack check, phone check, headphones check. I stared at the calendar above my dresser and gulped at what day it is, the first day of being a freshman in high school...God, is high school really like how they say it is? Will I survive?

After I was done getting ready I walked to the bus stop so the school bus would pick me up. But when I got there, I saw a familiar someone was there before me already.

That girl Paloma from the creek when we were kids, fuck...My cheeks turned red as I tried to walk closer. She was on her phone originally but just when I started to blush she put it back in her bag. Damn! I can't miss the bus just cause Paloma might see me looking stupid, so I sucked it up and went to the bus stop for school anyways. But Paloma ended up looking to her left where I was and her bored expression was transferred to a more happy look and she waved at me. Of course I couldn't ignore her so I put on my best smile and waved back at her.

"Keun Sup! I haven't seen you since middle school last year"Paloma smiled as I stood next to her. "Y-yeah...Glad I got into the high school you're in"I said trying not to murder the conversation by some awkward sentence, "I was so nervous about going to high school and becoming a freshman, but now I can be one with you"Paloma said, "She looks so fucking perfect..."I thought to myself staring at the strap on her coral spaghetti strap dress resting on her shoulder, but then the bus came.

I let Paloma go on first since well, I don't want her to think I was rude. But then she grabbed onto my hand to sit with her. We sat down on the bus together and she put her bag on her lap. "So what's your schedule?"I asked out of the blue in hopes to make everything less awkward, Paloma nodded and pulled out her schedule on her cell phone I listened to acrylic peach nails tap on the screen but she tried not to because she thought I'd find that annoying. But she didn't know I personally enjoyed it, she later pulled up her schedule and teachers on her phone. I pulled my schedule out and we compared our classes.

The good news was that we had P.E and history together, so I guess that was good. I had Aggie and Jackie in the classes Paloma wasn't expect my elective. "Oh, we have classes together"Paloma smiled then snuck her palm onto the top of my hand which I took out my hoodie pocket. Unfortunatly, I still haven't stopped blushing madly. I've been feeling like this since middle school was coming to an end soon.

She started to giggle seeing my face red as a tomato I don't know why but she found it so funny when my face was like that! Holy shit, I think this doll loves me! "You little cutie-pie..."Paloma commented now moving my hair but the bus arrived at school. Me and Paloma got off the bus and walked into the building for class.

"Hey, Keun Sup. You're a cute guy, but if anyone asks if we're a thing, say we're just friends"Paloma winked, "Sorry love, but I don't want my moms to think I already have a boyfriend when I've only been a freshman for a day".

"Oh...Yeah sure..."I said surprised. Did Paloma's mom and step mom not like me? (Paloma having a biological mom and a step mom isn't a canon fact that's just a head canon). They don't know much about me expect I'm friends with her. "Thanks for understanding, It's not that I don't like you, I just don't want them to think I'm rushing things"Paloma sighed. "Look, I got class but remember say we're just friends for now".

I watched Paloma walk off to her first class for the day while I just stood there just surprise. I need her to want me as her freshman boyfriend...She's always running in my head 24/7...

Paloma's POV:I walked towards my first class leaving Keun Sup, I want to be Keun Sups freshman girlfriend. In middle school I dreamed of us being love birds til the end but I didn't know if he felt the same way as me. But, I have a vow to try and make him my boyfriend for the freshman year.

Time skip

Keun Sups POV:After school I headed to the skate park with Jackie and Aggie, I've been a freshman for a month now with Paloma and my other friends. Jackie was practicing his skateboarding while I sat with Aggie to the side. "So, Paloma huh?"Aggie began the conversation with a smug look. "Holy fuck, it's that clear we like each other...Fine, It is her, I wish I was her boyfriend..."I groaned. "Then tell her! She might think you're not picking up her signals or think you're not interested!"Aggie scolded. Ah shit Aggie might be right...Paloma might think I don't want her when I really do...

The next day

After school me and Paloma walked over to the grocery store, her moms were busy with work today and Paloma wanted to prove she was responsible. And well, I wanted to help her with it. "What a gentleman"Paloma joked seeing I was helping her, "Yeah...But uh...Paloma I actually wanted to tell you something..."I began, "Oh, well before you do that I have something pretty important to ask you"Paloma said about to reach into her bag. "Are you allergic to anything?".

"Nope"I said, "Good"Paloma smiled then pulled out a cookie from her bag and tried to put it in my mouth. "What's this?"I said holding the cookie, "A cookie I made in baking today, I forgot my step moms birthday was today so I took advantage of this assignment to make it look like I didn't forget and made her something"Paloma said closing her bag. I took a bite of the cookie to see if Paloma made the right choice to select baking as her elective for the first semester and turns out it wasn't. "Damn these are good..."I mumbled taking another bite, "Good, I'll note to make more cause the rest are for my step mom"Paloma sighed. "Hey, Keun Sup do you know what an indirect kiss is?".

I stopped taking my third bite and looked up at Paloma, "Y-Yeah..."I said reddening wondering why she was asking me this, Paloma put on a sly smile and moved her face close to mine. "Ya mind me showing you what's it's like?"Paloma raised a brow I couldn't read her expression to tell whether or not she was joining. Until I found out what she actually was trying to say... "You don't need to ask me twice..."I blushed, Paloma smiled then slipped the cookie from my hand and bit the cookie where I took my last bite making her lips touch where I took my bites. I blushed madly Paloma actually did that, will she give me an actual one?

Then, Paloma put her lips on my forehead while I was still red. I was surprised by it but I just let her and I liked it.

Guess I spoke too soon.

"So what was that thing you wanted to tell me?"Paloma asked cupping my face as we walked, "I wanted to tell you how I actually feel, but you described how I really felt"...

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