Marie + Gender neutral! Ghost! Reader (Free music)

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Wanted to do something a little different with the reader. I know ghosts don't really exist but this is just fiction. Might do this again.

You laid on the grass, dead as usual. But, what else could you do now? Sure you could float, go through things without an issue but you couldn't do things everyone else did. You missed actually playing at the creek with others, climbing the trees and rolling down the hills and get all dirty. But death came at a young age for you and you were left to be the age you died at forever, you just viewed yourself as some dead kid at a creek, however you only had one friend at the creek your spirit stayed since you sorta refused the afterlife.

A few years ago, you met a girl at the creek while you were watching the actually alive kids of the creek play tag. You didn't feel very frightened or had a need to hide since you just viewed yourself as a wandering ghost being forced to watch the other kids have the fun you couldn't. You know that girl you met? Well, she was running from whoever was 'it' and she just so happened to run into the spot where you hid behind the bushes. You expected her to run away but she was nicer than you expected and she promised to keep your secret of being here. After that you hung out more than you two expected. Turns out her name is, Marie and was apart of the Horse Girls despite not being into horses and had more interest in basketball.

Today, you laid on the grass when you heard a stick getting stepped on. You looked behind you and to your relief it was Marie walking towards you. "Marie! Hi-"You tried to say and floated towards her but she crossed her arms angrily and sat down. "(Y/N), I have a problem I need help with"Marie sighed, you swallowed even though you had nothing to swallow and you floated towards her and got in a sitting position. "Summer is in a month and my dad is thinking of sending me to a summer school to learn instruments and dance! I don't even wanna go! I wanna play at the creek! I don't like choir, instruments or dance!"Marie complained, "Marie, how can I convince your parents to not sent you there? I'm dead, all I can do is float around, go through things, not feel anything also possess objects and make them move and stuff"You said.

"Exactly! When my dad takes me to the summer school to get a tour you'll come with me to the summer school and make it look like crap!"Marie said getting up. You thought for a moment and understood why she went to you for help. "I see where you're coming from, when are you and your dad going to the school?"You asked "Tomorrow, I'll come get you before I go, you can mess the school up and my dad will think it's not a good place for me"Marie said. "Fine, I'll help".

The next day

At the creek, Marie came to get you and to hide you she let you take the possession of a horse hair pin that Melissa got her not knowing she didn't like horses. You just stayed in that until you had to leave.

Marie and her father got in the car, her dad didn't even suspect anyone else's presence and just drove to the summer school.

It didn't take long and Marie got out the car with you just having a view from the back of her head. As Marie walked into the summer school with her father you listened closely and heard a woman welcome Marie and her father. You guessed that was the woman that would be showing Marie where everything is.

Marie already told you the plan to making the summer school look like a bad fit, the first one was making the water in the bathroom look dirty. When Marie was shown where the bathrooms were, she excused herself to the bathroom and when the door was shut she took the hair pin out and you exited from the hair pin. "You know what to do"Marie smirked and winked at you, you nodded at her and took possession of the sinks and all the way to the drain sooner or later the water looked disgusting.

Marie smiled, put her horse hair pin back in her hair and turned on the water you never knew she'd look so pleased to see dirty water. She went to go get the woman and she told her what she saw pretending to not know anything. "That's odd...We've never had this issue...Don't worry, Marie we'll get this looked at"The woman giving the tour said her amber eyes not leaving the disgusting looking water you made.

Time skip

After so much sabotaging you and Marie did, it was time to do the final thing. The final place the woman was going to show Marie was the classroom they kept the instruments, you had to make the stuff in there float and freak out the woman and Marie's father.

You got out that hair pin Marie wore and easily floated through the walls of the room the tour lady was going to show. You quickly did what Marie told you to and successfully freaked out the tour woman and Marie's father, you almost broke character seeing Marie pretend to be scared. When the woman and Marie's father ran out, Marie's father shouted something, "That's the last straw! My daughter isn't going to this summer school! This places needs an exorcism!". Marie ran towards you and you dropped everyone and returned to your more ghostly appearance. "(Y/N), that was awesome! Thank you, I can be at the creek!"Marie cheered.

"Ha! You're welcome, you're my friend of course I'd help you!"You said, "Maybe when I grow up and get my own house you can protect it by haunting it! No one will dare break in!"Marie said. "Ghosts haunting houses is so 1900s!"You joked and pretended to playfully punch Marie's shoulder as expected your fist went through her arm. "I'm joking! Of course I'll haunt your house to protect it, friends look out for each other!" Even if they're dead kids that rejected the afterlife!"You said trying to hug Marie and she hugged you back even though you won't be able to feel it.

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