Xavier X Gender neutral! Runaway! Reader Part 2

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Xavier's POV:I sighed in bored, my parents forced me to come with them to the farmers market. I hated coming I would rather be at my creek ruling over everyone. Until, I heard something knock over loudly, I looked behind me and saw a kid had tripped over a box they had a backpack and a bag. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to!"The person panicked while quickly helping the other person clean up whatever was in the box then ran off when the other person said it was okay. Now they were being more careful, I watched them leap through the place while gracefully running past the boxes and other things in the way.

I don't know why but I felt amazed seeing such skill. I looked closer at the person and saw them leap over a large box. "Xavier, don't stand so far away"My mom said then pulled me closer to her, "I don't want anyone taking you". My mom walked me to another stand that stand was where that kid leaped. While my mom was getting some vegetables, I watched that kid jump highly over everything that can get in their way. "(Y/N)! (Y/N), where are you?!"I heard a man and woman yell they looked similar to the person jumping and running, both shared many features with them. Could that be their parents? (Sorry if you're adopted or a foster kid, just ignore that line) While I was watching the kid turn corners I saw the woman there walk up to my mom. "Excuse me ma'am have you seen my child, they've ran off somewhere me and my husband think they're at this farmers market, hiding"The woman said.

Something in me made me think I shouldn't rat the kid out and I shook my head no and so did my mom. Then we went over to a stand around the corner where that kid running was. I saw that they were cornered panicking as they tried to find a way out, after everything I've seen maybe I could help them out...I ran towards them. "Psst!"I said trying to get the attention of them. "Ah! Oh...It's just you, who are you exactly?"The kid asked, "I'm Xavier, I see you're having trouble getting away from those people"I said pointing to the kid's parents.

They nodded while clutching their bag, "I can help you get out of here, uh..."I said then realized I didn't know what to call them. "(Y/N)". "(Y/N), just follow me over this path, trust me my parents make me come with them to these a lot so I know the whereabouts"I said walking (Y/N) away from where they were. "Thank you...But why are you helping me, I'm a stranger to you..."(Y/N) asked. I can't tell them the real reason I wanna help them, I wanted to help them so I could see if they would make a good fourth champion. "I saw you needed help, who know's maybe you're running from some killer, a bully or an insane ex?"I lied to which they laughed at the last part, "Well, it isn't really that...My parents are looking for me, I ran away from home cause my parents treated me pretty awfully I doubt they want me now...I don't know why they're trying to go after me guess they don't wanna look bad..."(Y/N) said. They told me some stuff that happened before running away even an incident that happen at their father's work place.

So basically I'm with a practically homeless kid right now? I got it! I'll let (Y/N) stay at my house for shelter, observe them with all the time they're at my house I could trick them into improving their jump high more telling them it would be for running from their parents when it's really to become a champion. With enough time (Y/N) will serve as a loyal champion and help me just like, Keun Sup, Aggie and Jackie. "(Y/N), I think I have an idea. You go escape and meet me here at this creek then later I can bring you with me to my house and ask my mom if you could stay with us"I said handing (Y/N) a piece of paper to where the creek was.

"Xavier, are you sure?"(Y/N) asked as we finally reached the exit, "Yeah, my parents give me everything so they'll let you stay at my house. But we can't tell them that you ran away my parents will probably return you...We can say your parents treated you badly and you need somewhere to stay"I said then helped (Y/N) out the farmers market. (Y/N) turned their face to me and waved bye before running off jumping high towards the creek. "See you soon..."I mumbled waving bye to them.

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