King Xavier X Bigender! Reader

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Merry christmas eve y'all- I decided to make this X reader based off of some christmas event at school and got inspired so enjoy the music I gave y'all. Also, both she/her and he/him pronouns will be used for the reader.

(Y/N):Your name
(L/N):Last name

You got your pen out your pencil case on your desk, you were getting ready to correct the worksheet from two days ago with your class. As your teacher was looking for the answer sheet, a knock was at the door of the classroom. The teacher paused her searching and speed walked to the door since usually your class would run to door and the teacher made a rule that only she can answer the door unless she says someone can.

She then opened the door for the person knocking, it turned out be your friend, Xavier with some christmas gram slips in his hand. "Just here to drop off some holiday grams"Xavier then handed the slips to your teacher, "Huh, thank you, Xavier"Your teacher said taking the slips. Xavier waved at you before walking off and you waved at him back.

And what were these 'holiday grams'? Since the first day of december, your school decided to do a christmas event where someone would buy a little christmas gram at lunch, write the person they wanna sent it to first and last name on the tag and the lucky person to get a holiday gram would get a slip at their 5th period to say they've gotten one and to pick it up after school.

The teacher then started to pass out the holiday gram slips to the two other kids in your class then, your teacher walked towards you with the final one. "It seems like you have a special someone, (Y/N)"The teacher said then handed you the slip with your name on it. You looked at the slip and analysed it good, someone sent you one? You didn't remember Xavier saying anything, but something in you made you hope it was him like knowing he was thinking about you made you feel, better in someway. "Ooo! (Y/N)'s got a special someone!"Your classmate teased, "Oh shut up"You groaned then blew them a raspberry, you didn't wanna admit it but maybe Xavier was your special someone that you wanted to be viewed as special to. "Okay, class! Get out your pens, we'll be correcting since that is out of the way"The teacher said then got out her purple pen.

You then put the slip in your pocket and set a reminder on your phone so you wouldn't forget to pick up that holiday gram after school.

Time Skip

You got your things and waited for the bell to ring, it was finally getting closer to the end of your final class and you couldn't wait to pick up your gift. Then, the bell rang and you were able to walk out the door to where you had to pick up your gift. Your boots stepped onto snow outside as you walked.

When you finally got to where you had to pick up your gift, you waited patiently in line holding onto your slip.

Xaviers POV:I took a deep breath and let my breath look like smoke as I waited for my parents to pick me up from school. But as I was waiting, I saw (Y/N) in line waiting to get his holiday gram I gave him. I cheeks started to feel warmer as I looked at (Y/N), this Christmas I wanted her to feel a little bit more...Wonderful. I just wish she would feel the same, I got him the one I thought she would like the best, I even had a little note written down that I put down where the tag was. Oh, (Y/N) I just want this moment to be your Christmas cheer.

2nd person

Finally, it was your turn in line so you showed the girl there your slip. "(Y/N) (L/N)? Oh, I think I saw a (Y/N) (L/N) over...Here. Here ya go, merry Christmas"The girl smiled then handed you the holiday gram, you thanked her then walked off you saw that the gift was a cute little polar bear plushie with a green hat. You smiled at how cute it was and couldn't wait to open it up when you got home, but then you noticed a written note on the tag.

'(Y/N), I hope you're enjoying your little Christmas gift I know I could have done better but I decided to give this school event a try. I wanted you to feel special on this christmas, I know you may feel like you need to get me a gift or something but you're my christmas gift, I love everything about you and how your whole presence is a gift to me. I love you, (Y/N) (L/N). Merry christmas -Xavier'

You looked up from the note feeling flustered, you were gonna get out your phone to text Xavier about it but you saw him waiting to be picked up. There was your chance, to be with the person that actually thought you were someone special. "Xavier!"You called out dashing to Xavier making sure not to slip on the snow. You eventually got to him successfully not slipping on the snow and falling on your butt like last year. "Xavier, I got your holiday gram!"You cheered, "You like your gift?"Xavier asked with his face red. You nodded happily, "And I read the note you had on the tag, it was...Really sweet..."You smiled blushing, "Am I really considered a gift to you?".

"Of course (Y/N), you're the best thing to happen to me..."Xavier grinned then kissed your forehead, you did a surprised look then put your hand over your forehead. But then, you got an idea and remembered something in your pocket, "I may have gotten you a Christmas gift as well"You teased pulling out a small mistletoe and putting it over you and Xavier. You then leaned in to kiss Xavier and Xavier did the same to you, until you heard a car honk.

"Hey, Xavier! Get in the car before a snow storm comes!"Xaviers dad said in the car, Xavier quickly leaned back and started to stand up straight in embarrassment and you hid the mistletoe behind your back turning red in humiliation that you and Xaviers kiss was interrupted. "Sorry my parents came at the wrong time...Maybe on Christmas"Xavier smiled, "Don't worry about it, bye"You smiled then kissed his cheek. Xavier smiled then ran to the car.

You held the mistletoe in your hands just when your mother drove in front of you to pick you, you sat down in the back seat still holding that mistletoe in your gloved hands. "Hi, (Y/N) how was school?"Your mother asked then started to drive back to your house, "Oh it was okay"You smiled putting the mistletoe in your front pocket in your backpack.

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