Yesterday's lie part 3

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"You know if you wanted me to pick you and your 'friend' up you didn't have to make up this elaborate story about the demon realm"Nicole smiled down at Craig in her cell phone. Luckily Craig was able to convince his mother to drive over to where Vee was being locked up, but Nicole seemed to not believe Craig about the demon realm, she thought it was once again his forever active imagination running wild.

"I'm not making it up mom!"Craig said but Nicole laughed it off. Nicole walked inside the building Craig told her to drive to, Nicole began to look around for the 'friend' Craig mentioned or anyone else but the room was empty. As she was looking around, Nicole saw an axe being thrown at something, she then looked at the front desk and saw The man stumbling around while trying to close some boxes. "Are you the curator here?"Nicole asked, "Who's asking?"The man asked fixing his glasses and standing up straight. "A little birdie took me told me you caught a demon I would love to see it"Nicole said playing along with the 'game' Craig set up.

"Wait, how did you know? Do you work for the government?!"The man said defensively, "Oh, I'm a veterinarian actually"Nicole said, The man looked like he was slowly buying it and walked from behind the desk to towards Nicole. "So, the president sent a vet to study the demon's anatomy Huh?"The man said. "Sure, I'll show you but first I'll need verbal confirmation that I get to publish my findings first"The man glared putting a tape recorder to Nicole's mouth, "Uh...Okay?"Nicole awkwardly answered.

"Good, now you're bound by law follow me"The man said then guided Nicole to where he was keeping Vee, Nicole smiled then looked down at Craig who was still in her phone, "You even made me apart of your game, whoa! This is so fun"Nicole smiled looking at Craig in her phone following The man where Vee was captured.

When Nicole was in the room The man brought her too, she began looking around. "Oh, is this one of those escape rooms or um...What do you call them? A larp! Oh sorry, don't want to break the illusion"Nicole said in excitement, "Let me start by telling you about the secret history of Herkleston..."The man said then grabbed a book. The man flipped to a page that showed a house on fire, The man began explaining how two brothers were lured into the demon realm of 'evil' and how witchcraft was something people stopped believing overtime, but to him he thought he knew the truth.

"But now I've got proof that unworldly beings exist, behold!"The man shouted then revealed Vee still in her cage, he seemed to have put a piece of duct tape over her mouth to truly silence her but Nicole still wasn't buying it or at least that was what she thought she was thinking. "Oh wow, that is a very- Uh...convincing, costume?"Nicole said then slowly began realising everything that out of Craigs mouth was the truth, that wasn't a costume, it was Vee in her natural and real form and Craig was in the demon realm. "No costume! This is a real life demon! Come here, watch this!"The man said running to the computer and pulling out some security footage of Vee getting trapped in the shed and revealing her basilisk form.

At first, Nicole would have probably thought this was a bad dream and she would wake up to see that she has been living with the real Craig and not some creature from a realm full of demons and magic but what she was seeing was real. Nicole wasn't even listening to what The man was saying so when he went off to grab some armour he got, Nicole turned her back, "Craig, come on I don't like this game anymore..."Nicole said to Craig in her cell phone not bothering to hide the fear in her voice.

"It's not a game, mama. Everything I told you was true"Craig said, "So that thing has been living with me this entire time? It's just a lot to believe"Nicole said. "Her name is Vee and she may look different but she's not bad! Please you gotta help her!"Craig pleaded, Nicole looked at Vee then Craig. She knew Vee was being prisoned and well, she didn't know what might happen to her if she left her with this witch obsessed lunatic so Nicole walked up to Vee and kneeled down to her. "Hello, this is all so confusing...But who knew I had such a strong girl living under my roof this whole time"Nicole said calmly to Vee, at first Vee felt afraid that Nicole might be mad at her for impersonating her son but she was wrong.

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