Xavier X Gender neutral! Runaway! Reader Part 1

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Trigger warning:Abusive parents. Finally wrote an X Reader, guess my break from X Readers are kinda off. I'm only doing them if I feel like it, don't go crazy with X Reader requests. I'll accept platonic + Readers though. Also this'll take place before capture the flag.

(Y/N):Your name
(BF/N):Best friend's name

"Mom! This isn't fair!"You screamed in anger in the living room, "(Y/N), listen to your mother!"Your father shouted. How did your family get so angry? Well, on the first day of summer, your mother sat you down and said how she didn't like your best friend just cause they weren't all fancy, rich and perfect 'like you'. She went on and on about how you're better off without them, but you disagreed and that disagreement led to an argument. (BF/N) meant everything to you, why all of a sudden your parents want them gone and the only reason was that (BF/N) wasn't all perfect and came from a rich family.

"Mom dad, that is ridiculous! (BF/N) has been with me since day 1 why do you want them gone?!"You argued "You can make new friends! They'll change in high school and leave you! You can make friends with one of my coworkers kids on 'bring your child to work day' next week! There will be plenty of boys and girls there"Your dad said in annoyance siding with your mother, like always. "I met those kids last year and they were the worst! Are you kidding me?!"You shouted in rage, the nerve of them.

"There will probably be new kids! Did you even give the kids you met last year a chance? Get to know them! I bet you'll meet a kid so great you won't even need that (BF/N) anymore"Your dad said. "Dad, don't talk about (BF/N) like that!"You yelled "(Y/N), enough! Go to your room!"Your mom got up and yelled. Out of anger you stormed to your room, you got out your phone to rant to (BF/N) about it. It took them 20 more minutes to respond but you didn't mind since (BF/N) had their own life and you were used to this by now.

Next week

Your dad got you up in the morning for the day of bring your child to work day. (BF/N) wished you good luck before going because you told them about the terrible kids there. Your dad walked you in the building and made you say hello to the other kids there even the kids you wished you could choke to death and not get in trouble for it.

Your dad showed you what he usually does, it didn't impress you it just bored you to death. Until, your dad took you to hang out with the other kids there cause he had to attend something. Now you were just with your dad's coworkers kids even the ones you met last year. "Ha, I'm impressed you even showed up after what happened last year"One of the girls there scoffed. Jane, the girl there dressed in purple always came in some fancy dress and a bad attitude. "My parents forced me to come, I didn't wanna see your ugly faces again"You snapped back to which Jane rolled her eyes and the other kids there turned to Jane to see if she would do anything back.

"Whatever, hey what's that you got?"Jane said then pointed to your chest, "I'm not falling for that, Jane. I don't care how dumb you think I am I'm not"You rolled your eyes "I'm not tricking you, I just wanna see...What you got!".

Jane then ripped the necklace you had around your neck so fast you didn't even see it coming. "I knew you'd try to look good with a cheap necklace"Jane mocked swinging your necklace around. "Jane, that was a gift I'm not joking!"You ran towards her but she threw it to another kid there, you ran towards that kid but they just threw it to another kid. The reason why you were so panicked about that necklace was because (BF/N) made it for you for your birthday. Despite how much your parents mocked it for looking cheap you still valued it. Soon, the whole thing became a game of monkey in the middle until it got back to Jane.

But Jane didn't throw it to anyone next, she just put it on the ground and was going to step on it. Now you were mad, your chest hurt from anger, your fists were balled and your face was red. You didn't even think about what were going to do you just did it, you impulsively grabbed your necklace and Janes neck pulling her backwards. You got your free hand and threw your fist into Jane's face, but your impulsive action had consequences. Jane had flew into a bookshelf nearby and hit the back of her head on it, thinking that was all? Think again.

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