Yandere! Mark X Reader Part 2

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Requested by:birdtime1234
The song at the top helped me a little make the storyline for this part. Blood warning for a few parts.

Marks POV:One day I'll make them mine, but I'll need to work for it. Recently (Y/N) has been hanging out with the student council members at school they've been getting close to some of the members but the closest to one there they were getting to was Gibson.

Right now they're friends, but who knows next thing you know they want to kiss each others lips! Maybe I can make Gibson into someone (Y/N) will never want. I'll make Gibson look like a problem (Y/N) could never want, I know that the principals son had passed away 5 years ago and he planted some flowers for her at the school before he died, she calls it the only thing left from her lost blessing...I got it! I'll make it look like Gibson took some flowers from there when it was just me!

So at school, I picked a few flowers from the flower bush the principals dead son planted and I ruined it a little. When she went to go grieve there afterwards, she let out a horrified scream of anger that someone did this. Oh well, anything to make (Y/N) mine.

I broke into Gibsons locker and put the flowers in there, I know Gibson isn't at some student council meeting so no one can back him up heck no one even knew where Gibson was when the principal saw her beloved sons flowers ruined.

The principal called everyone in the gym for an assembly about what happened, I pretended I didn't know what was happening and sat next to (Y/N). "Hello everyone, I'm sorry for interrupting whatever class you were at but this is very serious!"The principal began when she stepped onto the stage.

2nd person:You blinked not knowing what was happening, you listened for more details. "You may know the flower bush near the entrance of the school, that was planted by my son who sadly passed away...But that isn't the point! Explain why I when I walked there it was ruined! Flowers were picked from it even though it is said not to, whoever you are that messed with this flower bush better confess"The principal said in pure anger she didn't even try to hide this was a spit in the face for her.

You couldn't believe someone would actually do that, hours after the assembly was done you heard from some other kids that she was crying in her office in private. You couldn't help but feel bad for her, but later that day when you were passing by your friend Gibson's locker you saw him being forced to open his locker by the principal and another teacher. When he opened it up, some picked flowers from the ruined flower bush that belonged to the principals son was there.

You'll never forget the anger in her eyes seeing it was Gibson who messed with her sons flower bush. When he tried to explain it wasn't him and that he wouldn't do something like that she demanded he'd come into her office. Turns out he got after school detention and a four day suspension for that.

Marks POV:My plan worked, I need to do something bigger (Y/N) still isn't avoiding him like most people at school. I'll just need to keep trying...

Time skip

Finally, he's out...After sometime, I could finally do it...I got Gibson out the picture how you might ask? Well, I ran out of ways to get him away from (Y/N) I may have baked a poison pie for Gibson and made it look like the student council were the people who made it for him. He believed it because his birthday was coming up tomorrow, I got rid of his body when I knew he was out. He's dead, at last I'll have (Y/N) for myself.

2nd person:Lately you've been hanging out with Barry and David again, they said they wanted to talk to Mark but hasn't seen him. You understood and didn't wanna rush the forgiveness.

Marks POV:(Y/N) why do you keep going to these two? I want you all to myself but you keep going to these people, fine if you want a job done do it yourself...But it seems like (Y/N) wants me, David and Barry to make up before I do anything I'll do this for them.

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