Boris X Female! Painter! Reader

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(Y/N):Your name
(T/N):Teacher's name

Two years ago

You looked around the blacktop at school for any smooth rocks, sticks or anything that could be easily painted and decorated. In the corner of your eye you saw your friend/Crush, Boris approach you. "Happy birthday, (Y/N)"Boris said, handing you a stick and smooth rock, you took the items in glee and smiled from ear to ear. "Thanks, Boris! I can't wait to paint these!"You thanked then hugged the taller boy, you let his warm arms wrap around you as you wanted. He gave the best hugs.

The bell rang and now you had to be back to your classroom, you said bye to Boris and made your way to the classroom quickly. The teacher opened the classroom door and let your classmates in, he stood by the door watching everyone get in then came up last to get in the classroom was you. He spotted the stick you had in your hand and was quick to take it before you could get into class with it, "Oh no you don't!"Mr. (T/N) removed the stick from your hand and threw it outside then let you walk in, but not without privately lecturing you.

"(Y/N), you cannot have sticks in the classroom, leave them outside. You know, when I was your age my brother fell and a stick went through his lip. The guy had to get stitches and I don't want you or your classmates ending up like him!". You nodded at Mr.(T/N)'s talk with you to make it seem like you learned your lesson but sadden about Boris's birthday gift to you being thrown out. But you stayed thankful you still had the rock in your pocket from Boris.

Present day

You sat down on the green grass with your washable paint and paintbrush in your hand, your boyfriend Boris sitting in front of you. You dipped the paintbrush in the blue paint and let the soft brush bristles slide on Boris's forearm. Today, Boris was letting you paint on his arm since last time he let you paint on his face. Boris watched you paint the shapes on his pale skin in the creek, when you were done painting  he got something from his shorts pocket. It was a curved smoothed out stick, another thing to paint.

You excitedly took the stick and admired it, you almost immediately knew how you wanted to paint it. You thanked Boris then painted a ladybug on Boris's cheek before the dinner horn went off. Honestly, that felt like surprisingly good timing cause just yesterday you were facing some art block but that stick Boris gave you to paint seemed to get rid of it.

The next day

You walked to the creek, the sun was shining and you had some inspiration to paint a part of the creek. Your canvas, paint and brushes jiggled in your bag as you searched the creek for somewhere to paint, as you looked you felt a tug at your forearm. You looked to the person that tugged you to the side and it was Jane, another friend of yours. "Hi, Jane-"You greeted until Jane said something else, "(Y/N), did your boyfriend Boris get you anything yesterday?"Jane asked.

You nodded your head hoping she wouldn't make you get specific. "Why do you let him get you things like that? Eliza saw you get happy over a stick, she thinks you have no self respect and she's asking why I'm friends you"Jane told you letting her embarrassment show. You blinked and remembered yesterday, you didn't think anyone would say anything besides your parents and grandmother. The last time someone commented about the sticks and stones was when your mother complained about the rocks in your backpack or your grandmother asking why he didn't gift you a diamond, a girl's best friend.

"Jane, I do have self respect. Me and Boris have different ways of saying we love each other that may not work for everyone, he gets me sticks and stones cause he knows I love painting them not cause he doesn't care about me"You said gripped the straps on your bag. Jane stayed silent then nodded her head showing she understood the message and she walked towards the willow tree, her favorite place. You watched her walk away and you admired the painted sticks n' stones Boris got you, each saying 'I love you'.

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