Falling behind

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My oc, Adele will be the main character in this. Wanted to give my girl some love and wanted to stop only using her in my Craigson fics. She's 11-12. Thanks to Lunaticwithpigtails on the COTC amino for helping me out with this when I was struggling towards the end.

June 12, the summer sun shined down on all of Herkleston. Adele opened the sliding door of her house to get to the backyard, going barefoot ended up being a mistake when the concrete burned her skin. She jumped at the stinging pain then ran back inside to get her sandals on, she ran back to her backyard to sit on her seat swing to be on her phone.

When she sat down, her phone in her pocket started ringing. She looked and saw it was Jason calling for a FaceTime, she picked up the phone and started swinging. "Hey, Jason"Adele said staring at herself in the camera phone while Jason had the happiest look on his face, "Adele, you won't believe what happened! Me and Craig are finally dating!"Jason gushed over the phone. Adele swallowed at that sentence, she saw it coming cause of how Craig and Jason looked at each other from time to time. But it was usually when they were hanging out.

Recently, Adele had this ache in her chest whenever she thought her friends were putting their attention on their partners whenever they were hanging out. Of course expect for Tony since he wasn't dating anyone but she knew he had a thing for Jane of the tea timers. It wasn't that she wanted to be the center of attention and wanted to be the only one her friends thought about, it just sorta bothered her when it was moment with just them and they were focusing on someone else. But, feeling like this made Adele feel a worse feeling in her heart she thought she was being jealous, a bad person and thought that feeling that way was being self absorbed so she let it bother her. It was a knife in her back, it hurt her but she refused to admit it and she let the knife just be there.

But hearing Jason talk about his new relationship with Craig was making Adele think her feelings were understandable. How would you feel if your friend's partner was the only person that they talked about or focused on? You wouldn't feel very nice, it was like hanging out with someone and they were just on their phone. "Anyways, we're going on a date this weekend and my brain is having a violent debate about what shoes to wear. Do you think I should wear my dark blue sneakers or my green boots?"Jason asked putting the camera on said shoes.

"The green boots look nice, I saw your suit in the background and the boots look good with it"Adele complimented. "Hmm, they really do now that I think about it, thanks!"Jason said then he had to go and the FaceTime ended. Adele sighed and slouched down in the seat, "They're all leaving, huh?"Adele thought looking through her phone swinging back and forth on her seat swing. She thought of all her friends and how they're all in love or in a relationship, now that her one of best friends had found a new guy and their FaceTime was just about his date made Adele lose hope.

Everyone was falling in love, all but Adele. It was as if she was slowly falling behind and there was no hope of her catching up. She looked up at the sky, the endless sky engaged to the sun, at the couples holding hands while walking by her house, she thought of her friends all in love and with a special someone and finally her parents. Their endless gossip of anyone they know, their endless love and their dreams of Adele finding that same love. But Adele had no interest in that love, or a relationship in general.

She always worried of disappointing her parents, seeing her as a grown adult not being married and without any children and their judgement words. Her mother would ask if there were 'Any cute boys' at her school every once in awhile to attempt at a conversation or gossip and Adele would mumble a 'no', and her mom would 'correct' her by saying 'Not yet'. Those corrections made her mad but she couldn't say why they made her mad and her father was no help whenever he teased her about liking a boy once in a blue moon. Her parent's talks on the phone how they hoped Adele would meet a nice boy, the comments they thought Adele wouldn't hear but would hear anyways. They all stung her in the heart.

A week later

Adele put on her purple arm warmers at her desk, despite the weather it felt nice to just have them on. The doorbell rang and Adele knew who it was and she got up from her bedroom desk and answered the door. As she expected she saw Boris standing there and she let him. They both agreed to hang out for the night since Adele's parents wouldn't be home tonight leaving her home alone.

After an hour of them hanging out they were just talking in Adele's kitchen getting drinks. But by mistake, Boris accidentally turned the conversation about his girlfriend, Big Red. Adele already hated the girl, she never felt comfortable that Boris was dating her since she was so mean. But she was mainly mad and thought Boris was trying to make the conversation about his girlfriend and that was the very thing she stayed silent about, sadly Adele can only stay silent for so long. "Boris, why does this have to be about Big Red?! Why can't we j-just...Talk and-and not have her in the conversation?! You and all my o-other friends are always talking about your partners w-why can't...Why can't we just talk?!"Adele tripped over her words after each second. Adele was already feeling frustrated and whenever she was frustrated she would stutter when talking which frustrated her even more because she thought she sounded dumb.

"Great, you're making Boris think you're even stupider than he thought from the start..."Adele thought blinked repeatedly and quickly trying her hardest not to cry. Boris stayed silent seeing how upset his friend was now, "Boris, sorry"Boris sighed. "I'm sorry for stuttering..."Adele mumbled crossing her arms looking away now feeling embarrassed with how she got upset. "Adele doesn't have to be sorry, Boris is sorry for making you sad"Boris apologized again. Boris hadn't even noticed Adele stuttered at some points and didn't really mind.

"I shouldn't have reacted that way...When you brought up your girlfriend I thought you were trying to make everything about her and you were forgetting we were hanging out...I-I don't know but seeing you, Jason and all my other friends already dating and falling in love just has been making me feel alone and I don't want you guys to leave me..."Adele said not really thinking through her words. Boris listened to what Adele was saying not even knowing she wasn't thinking about what she was saying, unfortunately Boris was being naive and didn't pick up on what Adele was saying. "Adele feels alone? Boris knows, we can get you a partner too so Adele won't feel lonely, scouts know how to set up a blind date"Boris smiled thinking that was the right answer.

But that made Adele feel like a rock was in her stomach, she knew Boris was just trying to make her feel better and she was thankful for that. But his suggestion put Adele in a nervous state and the thought of her friends setting her up with someone scared her. Panic filled her when she saw Boris grab his phone and she impulsively grabbed it as well with Boris still holding onto it. "No no no! Please don't put me on a blind date! Or any date, put the phone down!"Adele said letting go of Boris's phone at the last part.

Boris put his phone away seeing how his suggestion didn't make Adele have the reaction he thought she would. "Boris, sorry..."Boris spoke with a frown seeing the situation wasn't dying down like he was hoping and wanting. "*Sighs* It's okay...It's just...Boris, I don't think I like boys, or girls...Or anyone, I'm not trying to make myself the center of attention or being self absorbed. It just hurts whenever my friends try to make everything about their partners, I feel like I'm being left behind and I'm scared everyone will prefer their partners and I'll be all alone"Adele sighed.

But unexpectedly, she felt her feet leave the floor when Boris let her in on an unexpected but appreciated bear hug. "Boris does not want friend to feel alone, Adele doesn't need partner to not feel alone, friends shall always be there for Adele"Boris said in a more comforting tone, Adele didn't really expect this reaction but that didn't mean she didn't like it. So, she never really told Boris when he could stop hugging her cause she liked the comforting physical comfort.

It's a mental breakdown 🥲. Writing some Adele stuff cause I'm heading to high school tomorrow and I'm not ready. So glad I could write Adele's character more and write more on her friendships, also happy I got to make Boris have a bigger role than usual in my work.

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