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Fankids will be used in this
Angelina:Eliza x ??? (Might make her a kid Eliza adopted)
Gavin, Janine and Silvia:Jason X Craig

Gavin sat quietly in his bedroom, school was starting in a month so he was taking advantage of all the time he had to do whatever he wanted before school started. But as he reading a book on his bed he heard his dads talking in the kitchen. "Jason, I think we should keep Janine and Gavin in separate high schools this year. I don't want Janine to be his only friend besides Angelina, he's been doing great already so let's keep things how they are"Craig said from downstairs.

Since high school Gavin in Janine have been in separate schools, well in kindergarten and elementary school Gavin didn't have any friends and Janine always let him play with her. Gavin had already been shy and was nervous when interacting with other kids, Jason and Craig didn't want Gavin to depend on Janine so they were separated at school and Jason and Craig helped him talk to other kids. That worked a little but those kids would be just acquaintances and nothing more. Thankfully in 7th grade he met Angelina and the two became friends to this day.

But this year at school was different, Angelina was being homeschooled by her mom for a bit. This was bad for Gavin, he had no friends and Janine was at another school. Guess he got so happy about being Angelina's friend he didn't think about making other friends. He swallowed and hoped maybe he'd find a kid willing to be his friend.

The school year came and the second class started he was immediately in his seat, he was nervous enough and he just put his head down as other kids got in their seats. But he tried to convince himself he'll be fine and to not depend on his sister and Angelina or else he won't have anyone.

2 months later

November 17th, one day before thanksgiving break. Gavin didn't really like school, he hated it to the point sometimes he wished he could set it on fire and not get caught. His classmates were annoying and they didn't mind their own business. One girl even acted surprised that he was in the class but when he got mad and told her to stop she claimed it was his own fault for being so quiet and to stop isolating himself like a weirdo. Thankfully the teacher broke up the fight and had a talk with her after class it still got on Gavin's nerves. But he felt like a weakling.

A weakling for not talking to people, being nervous and having his sister as his only friend when he was little. But also a weakling for another thing.

One day he was riding on his motorcycle on a weekend he just wanted to go to Angelina's house, but as he was riding in the road was a Grey cat running across the street in front of his motorcycle. Gavin tried to stop his motorcycle but it was too late. His motorcycle crushed that cat and it's blood stained the streets.

He felt the whole world on his shoulders seeing that kid run outside and see that cat dead on the street. Gavin didn't know what to do, the kid didn't see his face so he didn't know who it was. Gavin kept his helmet on and apologized then rode his motorcycle away and cleaned off anything left from that cat corpse on his motorcycle. No one knew it was him, he never told anyone not even his dads or Angelina about it.

He felt so weak for not being able to take his helmet off and look that kid in the eye and show he was sorry for hitting that cat and he didn't mean it. But he just kept it on and rode away after apologizing.

The school day ended and Gavin walked to Angelina's house, he hated school and was happy the day ended. He walked to Angelina's house and Angelina let him in, thankfully she was done with her homeschooling.

But after a few hours, Angelina left to go get snacks but Gavin over hard a conversation between her and Eliza. "Angelina, did you invite that Gavin boy here?"Eliza said in annoyance. "Yeah I did".

Eliza got irritated and Gavin swallowed at the annoyance in her tone, "Why are you friends with him? He has no other friends and before meeting you he was dependent on his sister...The last time he was here he just vented, he's probably using you as a free therapist"Eliza said. Gavin's shoulders lowered hearing that, had Angelina's mother heard the talk they had the last time he was here? "Mom, that's not true, you're just saying that cause you don't like his dads!"Angelina said in the kitchen and Eliza got annoyed even more. "Fine, whatever let him be a leech when he grows up"Eliza said then walked away.

Gavin blinked his eyes in shock not knowing what to do, what if Angelina was friends with him out of pity? Now, Gavin sat on Angelina's bed by himself sitting alone. When Angelina came back he saw how sad Gavin was and she knew why. "Angelina, so you like being my friend?"Gavin asked and Angelina sat on the bed next to him "Of course I do Gavin, Gavin what my mom said isn't true...".

"Well what if it is?! I didn't have any friends besides Janine until I met you! Now that you're homeschooled, I hate school the kids are annoying, my classmates are too loud and the only people that are nice to me are my teachers! I can't talk to anyone my age and a girl embarrassed me for being so quiet and said I isolate myself like a weirdo! Maybe I am a weirdo..."Gavin sighed with his voice cracking. He could just imagine Eliza getting annoyed that he was venting again to her daughter.

"Gavin! That's completely untrue! That girl had no idea what she's talking about and you're not a weirdo...My mom says so many dumb stuff that I'm starting to wish I was 18, don't listen to my mom she doesn't know what she's saying she has barely even talked to you so basically she doesn't actually know you"Angelina said. Gavin turned his head not really saying anything. "Gavin, I don't think you're dependent on me and your sister, it's not your fault you don't like the kids at your school and that girl was rude to you, look, my mom might sent me to regular school again and maybe I can help you make other friends. Gavin, you're not dependent you're just a little shy and that's okay, lots of people are shy and that's fine"Angelina said.

Gavin blinked and finally looked up to Angelina, "I'm not?"Gavin asked. "Nope, if you'd like I can give you advice on making friends, do you want that?".

Gavin dangled his feet from the bed and he nodded.

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