Heartless Au (Prolonge)

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Yep, newish Au (This has been unreleased since 2020-). I recommend going to my Amino and checking my post on it in the COTC Amino. Credit to Lunaticwithpigtails on the COTC Amino for helping me with Au.

"Where am I gonna go now?"

Jason thought on his knees, his white tights were dirty cause he was on his knees on some dirt. His long two toned hair rested on his back, it was originally shorter but time went by and he never got to cut it so he was never able to cut it himself. Stupid was all Jason felt, how could he have let someone who he thought was his best friend leave him like this?


"Where is he gonna go now?

A human from the human zoo whispered to another person. Jason didn't really know what was going on, given he was only 7 he didn't know much and all he knew was that it was serious. But, he overheard from a few other humans in the zoo he stayed at with his father since his mom died when he was born, he didn't know anything about her expect that she was a defective spinel that feel in love with his father or at least that was his dad said.

All he heard them say was his fathers name, and dead. "Dead...?"Jason thought to himself, just remembering how his killjoy mother died just so he could happen and the gem on his chest was a reminder of that. Then, it hit him, his father was in the same state as his mom, dead and never coming back. Despite being only 7, he understood the concept of death well.

"What is happening here?"

An amethyst soldier called out practically slamming the door open, Jason eyed the crowd of humans in the human zoo that was possibly crowding his dead father, then the opened door. Jason noticed how the amethyst forgot to shut the door, being the curious child he was, he took this as chance to see what it was like outside the human zoo. Jason had already removed his earrings that his dad said he had to wear in order to 'fit in' with the other humans there, so he thought maybe they wouldn't think he was apart of the zoo and be forced to go back there.

As Jason walked, he looked around and saw a shiny hallway and some fancy decorated walls. Jason had never stepped foot out the human zoo, so this was a big deal for him. He let his foot touch the floor and he began walking out the human zoo. "A spinel?".

A voice said, Jason looked up and saw a giant yellow colored woman with a helmet on and a Diamond on her chest with a confused expression looking down at Jason. "But, my name is Jason"Jason corrected not really upset but still kept a smile on his face, "Odd, a gem naming themself..."Yellow Diamond mumbled picking up Jason and putting him on her hand, "Are you a new friend?"Jason asked innocently doing a hand stand not really reading the room. "What is that you have, Yellow?"Another voice said.

Jason looked over and saw a blue giant woman standing next to Yellow Diamond, "It's a spinel, but they look so human despite their gem being right there"Yellow Diamond said. "Well, the spinel looks fun maybe they just want a new appearance, as long as the gem can do their job I think it's fine"Blue diamond commented, "What's a job?"Jason said hopping onto Blues shoulder, but surprisingly Blue started to laugh not really taking what Jason said seriously. "Ha! See! He still knows how to make gems laugh and brighten their days!"Blue commented. Jason still didn't really know what he was happening but he just listened in the conversation between the larger women.

Time Skip

"Pink! We have something for you!"Blue called out with Jason in her hand and was being covered by the other hand. After some talking Jason overheard Yellow and Blue have, they were planning on giving him a new friend. Pink Diamond, the smallest diamond out of the other three. Yellow told Jason that he had to be there for Pink and be her best friend after her original Pearl was taken away so after they got him into an outfit more similar to Pinks he was ready to be her friend.

"What is it?"Pink asked, confused on why Blue had wanted her in the first place in this garden away from Homeworld in space. Then, Blue took her hand from over Jason and he popped off her hand was wrapping his long flexible and stretchy arms around Pink. This startled Pink and took her off guard but she couldn't look like she didn't want the gift, she'll look ungrateful and she'll never get a colony. "I'm so excited to meet you!"Jason cheered hugging Pink tighter. "I knew you'd like him, Pink he's your new friend, he likes to be called Jason and he'll give you as much fun as your old Pearl did"Blue smiled. "T-thank you, Blue and Yellow I'm sure my new spinel will be an excellent friend"Pink said feeling like Jason was just a cheap replacement for her real Pearl.

Time Skip

Time went by with Jason and Pink Diamonds friendship, and Jason couldn't be more happy with her. Everything was so much fun to him, but for Pink, the fun was fading for her. She missed her old Pearl and wished she had her back, but she couldn't say that, a gem made for friendship would probably shatter himself if she no longer wanted to be friends and the diamonds would view him as useless to Homeworld and shatter him to bits.

But one day, she had an idea it was cruel but she had no other choice now. She was gonna trick Jason into thinking she wanted to play a game in the garden he stayed at, the 'game' would be that Jason had to stand very still in the garden and wait for her to come back not knowing that was never going to happen. So, Pink swallowed her pride that day and did the plan, the plan worked out well for Pink and Jason was left at the garden waiting for a day that was never going to come.

6,000 years passed for Jason, and still no Pink. The garden was slowly falling apart and it wasn't a fun little place to play. "Please come back, Pink..."Jason sighed fiddling with his now longer two toned hair, since it had been 6,000 years Jasons hair ended up growing and since his dad wasn't there to cut it he was forced to let it grow until Pink showed up. Until he saw a little message appear. Confused, Jason turned his head to see what the message was, and to his surprise there was a boy who claimed to be Steven Universe.

Jason hadn't really heard of that name so Jason kept listening. As Jason listened more, the message made him want to scream. Pink was gone and left him in the garden to have a son...Jason had been abandoned and he didn't know it until after 6,000 years. Jason then tried to move his feet to run to the messenger but overtime while he was at the garden his feet got stuck on some wheats and vines but luckily Jason was stronger and was broke lose but by the time he was running halfway the message as gone.

Jason fell to his knees and sobbed, what did he do wrong? He was her best friend how could she do this to him? At that moment, the joyful, loving and sweet Jason was gone now he was only full of anger. Jason let out a scream and extended the size of his fist and punched the messenger as hard as he could. "I'm done with nice, that old attitude made people think they could walk all over me but not anymore, I'm not gonna be alone ever again..."Jason thought to himself now on his feet, full of rage and full of misery.

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