One up

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Another Adele centered fanfic, Adele is 9 in this.  Fun fact, my Yandere!Xavier X Demi-boy! Reader fic from my last one shots book, that has a word count of 4,202 and was my longest fic. This has 4,906. So that fic has officially been beat with this one.

This will take awhile, Adele fixed her side half pony tail as her father spoke to a coworker. It was a thing Adele knew, once your parents see an old acquaintance and they start talking you'll be there forever.

But unfortunately, the coworker her dad was talking to was the father of the boy she had screaming jealousy for, Jason. He had been around the office a few times, Jason would usually keep to himself since there were no other kids around his age there and the only one that was, was distance with him. That kid around his age being Adele.

Jason was in the office this day, Adele saw Jason walking towards his father as a sheet of paper falls out his backpack. Before Jason could pick it back up, his father beats him to it and looks it over before smirking. "100%, per usual"Jason's father bragged per usual, "Boy is a clever one, how many forest scout badges did you say he had?"Adele's father asked Jason's father. Jason's father went back to the bragging of his son and Adele's father didn't have anything about Adele to brag about as well to get to his level, Adele got a 90%? Jason got a 99 or 100%. Adele made a drawing? Jason made a better one. Adele cleaned her room without asking? Jason cleaned the house. Anything Adele did Jason went a level above her.

Adele's heart broke seeing her father not even trying to brag about her yet talk about a boy that wasn't even his like it was nothing, a real spit in the face. "So how's your girl? She do anything big yet?"Jason's dad asked referring to how little Adele's father talked about her but Adele's father didn't say much and the topic was quick to change. But Adele had to just suck it up and act like she was okay with it, Jason awkwardly stood there next to his dad. Adele looked at Jason's crocs, his stupid crocs. Jason tried to wave at Adele but she just hid behind her fathers leg and avoided eye contact with him. Finally, the conversation ended and Adele got in her dads car to drive home.

When she got home she threw her backpack on the ground and kicked the carpet floor. The pictures she would draw her father weren't even put away properly let alone organized but she bet if Jason gave him a drawing, he'd hang it up. 'Jason's top of his class', 'Jason is doing so well', 'Jason is getting by so well', 'Did you see the amount of badges Jason has', 'Jason is the best forest scout we have'.

It was always Jason that got the success, it was always Jason that could do anything, it was always Jason who got to be the golden child, the one his father would brag about.

But not Adele, nothing she did was enough for her parents to say good job. Her mother wasn't so bad on it but from time to time she'd briefly join in on conversations about Jason with her husband before switching the topic. Adele looked out her bedroom window, maybe she could escape reality once again and be the creek Uber driver instead, not the disappointment who always gets one upped by some blondie boy at her dad's workplace.

Adele walked in front her bedroom door to get her shoes back on but when she grabbed them, she heard her father say something over the phone. "Jason is top of his class, you say? Ha! I just know that boy will do fine in this world. Oh how's Adele? Eh, she's fine, she's doing about the same. No she hasn't done anything big. What was her last grade on her test? How bout we get back to that meeting next week...".

Her father was on the phone with another coworker per usual, "He changed the topic..."Adele mumbled in anger. Her blood was boiling with anger, the disinterest in his voice was sending her temper to hell and she wanted to throw her shoes at first wanting to scream but she didn't want to upset her dad. She just counted to 10, put her shoes on, walked down the stairs like she didn't hear anything and drove her toy car to the creek.

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