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Song at the top is what inspired me to write this also the skater kids are 15-16 in this.

Razor's POV:My alarm clock woke me up on a Monday morning at 6:40am, I turned it off and rolled out of bed my mom says I'm too young to be doing that I usually just ignore her. When I got out of bed I thought if I should make my bed before I get ready, nah I can do that when I get home from work.

I got a job at some store that sales skateboards, rollerblades and all that stuff. My mom and dad wonder why I didn't have any interest working for free at their store, I'm in high school now and I'll need to start buying my own stuff if they wanted me to help they should've paid me like this job. But today wasn't pay day I had to wait til Thursday and Friday to get my pay checks, sucks but money doesn't grow on trees. I wish I could spend more time with my friends, it's summer I'm supposed to be skating with them but I need the money. They don't really have jobs themselves so I wonder if they understand, no judgement of course but I feel bad we haven't gotten to skate around like usual.

I skated to work and clocked in, I stood behind the counter waiting for some customers. Okay, let me get these 7 hours done with...

Fours hours later

I laid my head down on the counter I was behind, I just got done with some customers and I was already bored.

Soon enough I heard the door open, I got my head back up and saw it was Scoots, Mariah and Dillard coming through the door. "Razor, how's it going?"Mariah asked walking towards the counter, "It's going good but I've already been here for like, four hours and I got 3 hours left"I said. Mariah looked around to see if there were security cameras sent up in the store I worked but they were yet to be set up. "I got a plan, you go to your boss, pretend you gotta go home and we can have some fun"Mariah whispered to my ear.

"Play hookie? Mariah, this isn't school"I said. Then, Scoots reached in her pocket and pulled out some tickets. "Guess you'll miss that concert we got tickets for, wonder what we'll do with the extra fourth?"Dillard teased. Okay, they win... "Fine, but you guys better make today so worth it that I'll be glad I ditched work..."I said then walked to my boss's office.

I knocked on the door and he let me inside, I already had an excuse thought out before agreeing to the plan. "Ah, Rene (That's not her canon real name that's just what I think I'll change it if it ever gets revealed), what brings you here?"My boss asked at his desk. "Hi sir, listen I think I'll have to clock out early today"I said "Why is that?"My boss asked confused seeing I was here for only four hours. "Well uh, something unexpected happened I'm dealing with some *Clears throat* Lady business"I spoke and I saw him almost spit out his latte I almost laughed at the sight but I had to make this look believable.

"*Clears throat* You may clock out..."He said. I thanked him then ran out, I know he already believed me but he might find out I was lying if I just took my time getting off work. I clocked out then met up with Scoots, Dillard and Mariah outside work. "He believed me"I said getting my roller blades on. Mariah smiled then grabbed my wrist and we started skating somewhere. "Good, the skate rink arcade is open".

We all started skating there and Mariah got us all in. I remember the last time I was here, younger and when Dillard was still not so experienced. He almost busted his whole butt when he tried skating, good times. But after so many years he finally had it, for real.

While we were skating Dillard tried to do some new roller skate trick he heard of, but as he tried doing it a girl skating by with her friends put her foot in front of Dillard and he tripped. "Oops!"She sarcastically said skating away as her friends giggled obnoxiously. "Dillard!"Scoots said roller skating towards Dillard to help him up. I looked over at her, I recognised her stupid face with another glance. It was my old coworker, she got fired last week caused she tried to scam some customer and was caught trying to steal my and some other workers lunches.

Scoots and Mariah were so busy trying to see if Dillard was okay they didn't even see me angrily skate towards her. I aggressively grabbed her shoulder to make her turn around, "What the heck was that?! He could have gotten hurt!"I scolded but she just laughed it off. "It was just a joke, he looks fine I don't see why you're so up in arms, Nene".

She knows I hate that nickname.

"Stacy! No one cares about how mad you feel about getting fired but don't take it out on people!"I said. Then one of her friends gave me a light shove, "Don't be such a snowflake"She said. That's when I got mad, her and her group turned to leave just when I got down and took off one of my roller blades. I walked over to her again and grabbed her arm I didn't even notice my nails were digging in her skin, "Ow! Jesus, Rene, cut your-"Stacy tried to say but out of anger I threw the roller skate I took off at her.

She fell back and since she had skates on she fell back causing her to hit her head on the ground. "Razor!"Mariah said then skated towards me "Mariah, don't try to tell her what she did was wrong! She deserved it!"Scoots said skating from behind to us with Dillard. "You there!"A staff member yelled at me then started skating towards me.

I looked over to Stacy and saw one of the girls in her friend group was trying to help her up. Then I saw the other two boys in her group look me dead in the eye "You're so oversensitive!"The red head boy said to me looking like he was gonna do the same thing to me. I got my roller skate and quickly put it on "C'mon, Razor!"Mariah said grabbing my wrist seeing my skates were on.

We all skated out of there but the two other boys were chasing us on their skates as we skated out. I heard that staff member yelling at us but I didn't bother to pay attention. We skated together for what seemed like forever until we reached a pretty steep hill down. Mariah looked around saw no other way out and our time to decide was running out seeing the two boys skating towards us. Then, we all locked arms and we skated down the hill, we went down faster than we thought and finally skated far away from the boys as possible.

Scoots peaked from around the corner and saw them look around but saw that they couldn't find us and they skated back to the skate rink. Dillard sighed in relief and rested his back against the wall we were behind. "Hey, Razor thanks for standing up for me back there..."Dillard said "No problem"I said then I looked at the bottom of my roller skate to check for blood on it, thankfully no blood was on it or any evidence of what happened on my roller skate. "Yeah, too bad we might get banned"Scoots commented.

It was true, but if we do get banned I still won't regret what I did. Dillard was wearing skates and he could have slipped and gotten a more serious injury. "We have other places to skate"Mariah shrugged not looking like she cared that much, I thought she'd a care a little more but I guess not. "C'mon, I have another place we could head to".

Mariah then started skating to some hair salon and we followed behind her, "I needa get my hair dyed again, was thinking we could get new hairdos, you in?"Mariah asked turning to us. We all looked at each other and nodded, we all skated in and Mariah checked in. We were seated for a bit and Mariah's hair stylist came, Mariah got her usual different shades of brown and red hair dye and I wanted some neon green tips in my hair.

I let the lady there take my hair down and put the bleach on the tips of my hair. She let me just be on my phone while she did the work, it was finished earlier than I expected and I could get up from the seat. The lady gave me a mirror and I admired the green tips given to me. I thanked her and Mariah paid for all of us, I looked and saw it was already dark outside. I checked my phone and saw it was already 7:50pm. We all skated out and we all were gonna skate somewhere else. "Where are we going now?"I asked as were all skating behind Mariah.

"It's time for the thing that made you came with us"Mariah said then picked up the pace. I just continued skating behind her until we got to a line of people that was getting shorter and shorter. Scoots passed out the four tickets to us and we were able to get to the concert just in time. Usually, Monday is just the start of a boring day but my friends made today far from boring.

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