Why was he holding her hand when she's supposed to mine?

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I made this for Elder Kat's contest on amino and I thought this was a good excuse to finally write with Natalie, Cohen and Danielle I just realized how much I neglected their story and the potential it has to be written. Also, Matthew 'Mattie' is George and Secret Keeper's (I think their ship name would be Bottled-Tea or Bottled-Blueberries) son, they have two or three other ones I haven't worked on yet.

"Silvia! My party has to be perfect, put the drinks on the table and clear all fruit holders my moms put there, replace them with the macaroons"Natalie ordered as they looked in their handbook for the plans, all the sketches of how they wanted everything to be. "But Natalie, won't your moms be upset you messed with the house your mama did say everything had to be how she left it cause she just got done moving everything in your new house"Silvia tried to reason but was denied by Natalie. "It's only a little bit, besides she's supposed to be taking Cheesesticks with her so he doesn't interrupt my party, he's super energetic and I don't have time to be a host and try to tire him out. Usually it takes awhile to tire my mama's dog out".

Silvia looked to the giant dog playing in the backyard, she was well awhile of how Vanessa wanted Cheesesticks to be wild like animals should be. Natalie didn't mind this but sometimes they got annoyed with how hyper he was at certain times, like when they just wanted to be alone and Cheesesticks would wanna play, they try not to get upset but they just end up doing so.

Natalie always celebrated their birthday the same since they were 5, macaroons, a piñata filled with the Mexican candies Vanessa brought, varies of drinks, movies and power punchers matches. Natalie's moms were surprised they never wanted a change, but it was their birthday after all. Silvia listened and moved the fruit holders to put the plates of macaroons next to the cans of whipped cream. Silvia never complained how Natalie liked to celebrate their birthday, she liked power punchers and the movies Natalie picks out. At first Natalie thought she was acting like this to be nice and make up for how awkward it was to be rejected by them but Silvia really did like Natalie's parties.

But celebrating Natalie's birthday meant keeping the party perfect and if you were a guest you had to help keep it perfect, no pranks, no snitching if anyone does something dumb, no leaking pictures of the party and no one Natalie hated could step foot in the house. There was someone that was on the top of the list of people Natalie didn't want in the house not after the cat incident, Cohen. The last time Cohen tried coming to their house to say sorry about the cat getting hit by that motorcycle Natalie pulled his hair and released Cheesesticks on them until they ran home calling them a 'crazy bitch.'

But that can't happen again cause Natalie and Silvia will make sure Cohen won't be at Natalie's birthday party, if only they could use their birthday wish to make them leave forever. But their other friends and acquaintances would be too sad.

Natalie and Silvia already had a guest list, that held, Danielle, Ela, Mattie, Justin and Silvia. No Cohen.

Natalie felt confident this party would go well, that didn't make a difference since they always felt confident about their birthday parties it's just something that came with celebrating it. "Good! We got everything done, the guests should be here soon, also Danielle said she's bringing a surprise person to this party"Natalie stated blushing at the thought of Danielle, even the thought her being at the party. They just hoped the friend Danielle wanted to bring wasn't completely terrible.

Eventually the guests came and Silvia opened the door for them. It was Ela holding Justin's wheelchair handles and he holding two wrapped presents in his lap, "Ela! Justin! You came!"Natalie greeted. Even though these two weren't even close to being her best friends, they had to be polite. They just hoped Ela nor Justin would think they were being desperate. Later, George's car pulled up to drop off Mattie.

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