The royal sleepover when Craig left

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Hey guys, decided to write something today. I won't be taking this very seriously this'll be more of a 'crackfic'. I thought it would be nice to just let go, write something a little different and not be so serious with the storyline like I usually am. So if you're more interested in serious/non goofy writing this one-shot is not for you.

Craig left the royal sleepover that night and Xavier and his minions- I mean, companions watched him leave. But Jason knew, just what was happening. "Well, he's gone what are we gonna do?"Keun Sup said. "Obviously we gotta do something instead of sitting on our asses so we gotta make a plan, I'm talking to you Jason get your hands out the chip bag"Xavier spoke to Jason even though he should've minded his own damn business.

"Excuse me, I would like to put these chips in my mouth so my mouth my business"Jason said getting a chip from the chip bag, "I will slap the fucking braces off your teeth if you keep talking shit"Xavier emptily threatened, "Fine but I'll get some when we're done"Jason rolled his eyes and scooted towards the rest of everyone else grieving the chips he wanted.

Time Skip

Sooner or later, the bitch ass kids- Pardon me, Xavier, Maya, the champions and Jason finished planning. (Guys I swear to god I wasn't gonna call Jason and Maya 'bitch ass'), "Finally we're done planning this crap"Maya spoke then put the notes away, her hand must have needed some ice after Xavier made her write so much when his lazy self didn't write shit. He just ran his mouth, oh how Maya loathed Xavier she wished she could just sell Xavier on the dark web at a discount price the discount being free because she didn't want anyone wasting their money on a bitch like him. (That line wasn't completely made up by me credit to my favorite sketch comedian, Stanzi's series about animated men people simp for I was laughing my ass off a few hours ago watching it and I randomly remembered it while writing this). "Now let's get back to truth or dare!"Xavier cheered but little did he know Jason was sneaking his hand into the chip bag he almost got beaten up over.

During truth or dare, everyone took their turns and had their laughs, surprising they took turns considering a certain bitch was hosting. But when it was gonna be Jasons turn, Keun Sup passed him a sticky note that said, 'When it's your turn ask Xavier if he liked tall girls or short girls don't ask just do it you'll see why'. When Jason looked at Keun Sup he just had a smirk. Now it was Jasons turn, he thought for a second but decided to just 'screw it' and do what the note said.

"Xavier, truth or dare?"Jason asked praying, screaming and almost on his knees begging for Xavier to chose truth. "Truth"Xavier said, now Jason was giving the biggest thank you to the universe for this. Then, the question was asked by the scout.

"Do you like tall girls or short girls?".

In almost a blink of an eye, Xavier raises his left arm and did a finger gun at Jason. "Dudes"Xavier calmly said. Jason looked at Keun Sup and figured out why he wanted Jason to ask Xavier that, "So you've been gay this whole time"Jackie asked not caring that much, "Yeah"Xavier shrugged. "He's not the only one"Maya winked, to her that felt like the most perfect moment to say that.

And it was.

Time Skip

7:58pm fell and the game of truth or dare was done. And all of them were just laying down on their backs looking up at the ceiling wondering what would happen if someone just fell through there. "Hey guys, have you ever like, wanted to write a piece of fan fiction but was too shy to post it?"Jackie asked breaking the silence. "Yeah...I wanted to make one of those (Y/N) stories but people kept saying (Y/N) stories were cringe so I didn't post it the plot is in the back of my brain to this day"Aggie admitted believe it or not these were the first and only people she said that to.

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