Sparkle Cadet X Female! Reader

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Requested by:wasp_eater
Tried my best to write a pessimistic character. I've never written anyone like this before. I googled some examples but if I get something wrong you can correct me.

Your annoying alarm clock woke you, you rolled your direction to it and shut it off. Today's your first day back to school, you were already dreading it feeling like you going would be stupid. But you rolled out of bed cause your girlfriend Lacy (not Sparkle's canon real name) aka Sparkle Cadet was waiting for you outside to walk with you to school.

You walked out of your house to Sparkle Cadet waiting for you and already putting her hand out to hold hands with you to walk to school with you. You walked towards her hand to fill her hand with yours. "(Y/N)! It's our first day back to school aren't you excited?!"Sparkle said seeing you had a more neutral expression on your face "I don't know...I definitely won't get used to waking up early again, last year wasn't the best"You swallowed as you walked. Last year you didn't really have Sparkle Cadet by your side and Sparkle wasn't in many of your classes so you were iffy about there being changes this school year.

"C'mon! Don't be so gloomy! Give it a try"Sparkle Cadet said. You turned your head. "Give it a try!"Sparkle Cadet repeated as you two walked. "You leave me no choice...Kiss attack!"Sparkle Cadet yelled then started kissing every part of your face. "Ack! Okay! Okay! I'll try it!"You said, surprised by the sudden kisses on your face from your girlfriend, she has kissed you before but not like this. "You'll do what?!"Sparkle asked then kissed your nose then forehead "I'll give the first day a chance!"You said and Sparkle gave you a moment to breathe. "Thank you, my dear girlfriend"Sparkle Cadet smiled then held back onto your hand and continued the walk to school.

You got to school. Sparkle had to walk to her first class and you had to walk to yours. At first you were doubtful but you sucked it up and walked to your class, but a few people kept staring at you and started whispering to other people. You got nervous and started speed walking to your class to avoid the eyes on you, "What did I do? I was just walking"You thought to yourself then you  walked passed something that could show your reflection.

You saw that on your face a bunch of hot pink lipstick/kiss marks were on your face and your face looked weird. You remembered Sparkle Cadet's kiss attack this morning, why didn't she tell you to wipe your face?! The second you heard a girl giggling behind you, you rushed to the girls room to wash your face. Guess Lacy forgot she had lipstick on again before kiss attacking you.

When you were done washing your face you continued your walk to class. Of course you still felt some eyes on you and whispering but you ignored it and walked to class anyways. Honestly your hope for today was fading.

But when you got your class your first period teacher of the school year was welcoming and nice to you. You had little hope for some of your teachers being nice to you cause you had a lot of bad teachers in the past whether they were too strict, gave too much work or just weren't fit to teach a class. She helped you find your seat and seemed nice to the class and started telling you guys what you had to do in her class.

Time skip

Lunch was finally here and you were walking towards Sparkle Cadet at the table she was eating at. "(Y/N)! How has your first day been so far?"Sparkle asked eager for your answer. "Well, for starters you forgot you had lipstick on and left evidence of your kiss attack this morning and people probably thought I was bragging about having a girlfriend or they were judgemental that I had a girlfriend?, doesn't matter no one bothered me and I washed it off"You began.

Sparkle did an embarrassed look mumbling an 'Oops'. "Sorry! I was so excited for our first day and I forgot to tell you".

"It's fine, my classes went okay but one kid is pretty annoying. I don't have too much faith for the rest of today..."You sighed, "C'mon! You have the rest of your classes with me! So you got to at least give the rest of the school day your best effort!"Lacy spoke. "Fine...I will"You sighed and ate your lunch with Lacy.

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