Xavier X Gender neutral! Runaway! Reader Part 3

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As you were trying to think of what you do now, you heard some talking between the champions and the tan hooded girl. "Maya, what the heck was that?"The acorn dressed girl asked "You guys, that's (Y/N) they've been living with King Xavier for a month now. He met them at the farmers market and they were running from their abusive parents, Xavier saw how great their jump height is and let them live with him to get (Y/N) to improve their jumping skills to become a champion and help protect this creek! You guys just mistreated a future champion!"Maya said.

So that was the name of the girl in the tan hood, you heard the champions realize what they had done and one asked where you were now. "They're in the dressing room, you can apologize to (Y/N) when they're done changing"Maya said. You blinked twice at what was being said, there was no way that was another Xavier. Maya just described exactly what happened when you first met Xavier. So all that training to improve your running and jump height wasn't for you it was just to benefit himself, he had lied to you for a whole month. If your parents found you again he wouldn't be worried cause you were in a toxic household again but because he wouldn't have another champion.

You sniffed and just sat there crying in the dressing room, not knowing what to do now.

After crying for god knows how long, a knock was at the dressing room door. "(Y/N)? You okay?"Maya asked knocking on the door, you wiped your tears got up and opened the door. Maya saw you weren't in the uniform she gave you and your face red from crying. "(Y/N), what's wrong?"Maya said walking toward you worried "Take me to your lying king..."You said then picked up your bag. Maya agreed to take you to Xavier since she was aware you lived with him and knew him. Thankfully she didn't bring up the uniform and took you to the treehouse where Xavier was.

"King Xavier, someone is here to see you, it's (Y/N)"Maya said as you were behind her wiping your face. Xavier choked hearing you were here to see him but let you come in. Maya left so you and him could talk. "(Y/N), what are you doing here?"Xavier asked "Xavier, you said improving my jump height was to get away from my parents, why did Maya tell your champions that I was gonna be another champion and that you only agreed to have me stay with you so you'd make me help you with your creek?!"You yelled in anger. Xavier swallowed in panic trying to find an excuse wondering if he should tell the truth or lie, but you weren't gonna put up with it. "Stop wasting your tongue on lying"You said in anger clutching your bag and turning to leave.

You climbed down the treehouse quickly then started running jumping up while you ran. But someone was chasing you, "(Y/N)! Wait, let me explain!"Xavier tried saying running after you trying to keep up but you ignored him and just ran faster, leaping over anything getting in your way. Xavier kept running after you attempting to explain anything to you. But his attempts were useless now and to think you really crushed on him for a month just for him to use you.

You ran and ran, until you were stopped at a dead end, a cliff. You caught your breath from running so much you fell to your knees to drink some water. "(Y/N)! Please...You can't keep running and jumping from me like this! What Maya said were my old plans! I don't want to trick you anymore"Xavier said, "You're lying! You're just like my parents! You think I'm so stupid and I can't do anything! You used me for your own gain!"You shouted stomping your foot but when you stomped your foot the cliff below you started shaking, the cliff edge was breaking off.

You froze seeing the ground below you crack and break, but you felt a tight tug on your bag over your shoulder. It was Xavier, he was pulling you out the way from the cliff with your bag. Xavier tugged your bag and got you away from where the cliff was breaking. But Xavier took your fall with that bit of the cliff falling as well. "Xavier!"You shouted after making sure none of your stuff fell out your bag. Despite being worried of feeling sick of all the blood you might see, you had to make sure that large piece of cliff didn't fall on Xavier. You swallowed and looked over the cliff, the piece of cliff didn't fall on Xavier but that didn't mean he was in a good condition. You searched for your phone in your bag to call an ambulance.

Time skip

A few weeks passed since Xavier's bad fall, he was unconscious in the hospital and you didn't know what to do now. He had tricked you for an entire month, you couldn't even bring yourself to practice your jump height for a whole week knowing the real reason why Xavier wanted you to practice. Xavier's mom knew that you were fond of Xavier and she thought the reason why you were upset was cause he was hurt, but he had hurt you. But you couldn't tell them that, his parents let him do whatever he wanted so you doubt they'd understand.

You looked around the guest room you were in and thought how this very room made you feel used. This wasn't cause Xavier wanted to give a helping hand to you, it was cause he wanted something for himself.

You decided to get it off your mind with a new movie to watch. You went to the living room to see what movies they had and saw two called, 'Identity theft of a cheerleader' and 'Wish upon'. You changed your position on the couch to decide but felt something hard in the couch. You looked through the couch and found a leather blue notebook with a strap keeping it shut. Curiosity took over you and you opened the notebook to a random page. You recognised Xavier's handwriting from the first entry. It from a week before Xavier's fall.

The entry admitted to tricking you into thinking it was to get away from your parents, but in the next paragraph it said how he wanted to change that, for you. It said that he wanted to make the training into what you thought it was about and to stop tricking you like this, he said he didn't want to hurt you even though you may not know it. You turned a few pages back.

In the entry Xavier complained about these, 'Weird feelings' towards you now that you're here. This really caught your attention and you started reading it. Everything written by Xavier was just him summing up a crush, like what he felt for you. So he really was telling the truth back there. You did like Xavier back, but him tricking you hurt too much so maybe it wouldn't hurt to take time to forgive him instead of jumping into a relationship the second he's out the hospital.

2 weeks later

Xavier has been out the hospital now and you talked things over with him but didn't reveal your feelings towards him. He knew it would take you a bit to forgive him and that you may have to help him after his fall. He suffered a bruise on his forehead, broken nose, had to wear a neck brace and a broken arm. He had already apologized to you but you needed time to actually think things through.

Today you were in your room reading a new book when someone knocked on the door. "Hey, (Y/N), can I come in?"Xavier asked and you nodded to his question. He sat down on your bed next to you and you put away your book. "What's up?"You asked. "I came to tell you something, It's not to make you forgive me faster. I like you, (Y/N)"Xavier said. You weren't really surprised but you didn't want him to know you read his journal so you acted surprised and replied. "I like you too, Xavier. And I forgave you before you even told me that". Then you put your hand over Xavier's hand that didn't have a cast on it.

"I promise not to trick you again, you can continue working on your jump height if you want"Xavier promised, "I still wanna practice, I liked it but do you really promise to not trick or lie to me in this relationship?"You raised a brow. "Promise..."Xavier sighed to which you smiled at. "It's a start...".

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