Friends, again (Tony + Female! Reader ending 1)

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Jason's POV:After calling 911, all me and Boris could do was hold Tony in our arms on his back and hope he was gonna be okay. Blood and flowers covered his mouth, his blood stained me and Boris's shoes and knees but we didn't care, we just didn't. Since I didn't notice the bloody footprints I left some boys followed them towards the scene, that caused the situation to get to the coach in there. Shit, fuck, fucking hell this friend group is not walking out a duo. Please Tony, if you live I promise to never boss you around and treat you bad like when we were kids. Please, live...

Three days later

2nd person:You walked into your third period class and sat down, everyone was staring at you. You looked over to your phone and saw Tony hasn't replied to your text and just left you on delivered, you turned to Jason who sat next to you. "Jason, do you know why Tony isn't here today? He hasn't replied to my text messages".

Jason tapped his pencil case looking like he didn't wanna answer "Uh...Well..."Jason fiddled with the blond strands falling over his ears, but the teacher walked in the room ready to take attendance. Jason gulped then wrote something down on a sticking note and passed it to you. 'I'll tell you at lunch, meet me behind the bleachers'. You put the sticky note away so neither you or Jason would get in trouble for passing notes, despite your mom telling you the kids who hang out behind the bleachers just skip class, do drugs, make out with each other or whatever bad thing she could think of you decided to meet up with Jason behind the bleachers at lunch anyways.


You ducked down to get to behind the bleachers, to where Jason and Boris was. "So why has Tony gone ghost?"You asked wanting to get an answer quickly. Boris swallowed and Jason cringed having to say what happened. "Well, three days ago you left to go home after your fifth period so this happened when you weren't here...After p.e Tony was in the locker room coughing up blood and black roses, I didn't see everything but all I knew was that he was dying".

You froze in fear at Jason's explanation, why is it always the boys locker room that the craziest shit happens. "Don't worry he isn't dead, but...*Sighs* Boris, you can finish this"Jason cringed struggling to explain what happened to you "Tony was in love with (Y/N), Tony had Hanahaki disease, Tony got surgery to live but now Tony doesn't remember (Y/N)"Boris explained.

You wanted to speak but Jason was quicker, "(Y/N) this isn't your fault, you and Tony had an amazing friendship. But me and Boris have a plan to fix everything!".

You swallowed, your stomach ached and you felt sick. If Tony were to ever go to the hospital, you never thought you'd be involved. 'No wonder we got separated in middle school, the universe probably knew I'd hurt him so they got me away from him...'.

"So this is the plan, you pretend to just be an old friend of me and Boris, you join the trio and you and Tony can be friends again. It'll be like he never forgot you!"Jason said thinking everything would be okay, but a small part of you still felt guilty. "Deal?"Jason asked, you looked to the side in unsureness but agreed on the plan. You didn't wanna lose Tony again, those past minor and silly arguments from when you were little still stung you in the heart despite Tony gave you his forgiveness years ago. You started to view this plan as a way to 'try again' and help yourself move past those bad moments in you and Tony's friendship.

Jason sighed in relief, "Good, we'll be visiting him in the hospital tomorrow so you can come with us".

The next day

Boris opened the door to Tony's hospital room, when you walked in Tony was in his bed doing a word search. "Hey guys, who's this with you?"Tony looked up from his word search seeing you there, it stung but you pushed through and let Jason and Boris tell their lie. "This is (Y/N), she's a friend of me Boris and we thought we'd introduce you to each other"Jason lied and Boris confirmed it. "Oh, nice to meet you, (Y/N)"Tony smiled shaking your hand.

You missed his touch, but you had to accept you and Tony's new reality of just meeting. Now you had a new thing to do, work your way up to Tony's friendship again without forcing him. "Nice to meet you too, Tony".

'Again'You mentally added to your sentence. This better work.

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