Chapter 2 - Max

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POV - Max

You know when you se a couple for the first time, and you think wow they are so in love, I bet they have ten kids and still can't keep their hands of each other. Well my parents were the exact opposite of that. I'm not really sure how they even made me, but yeah, here I am.

Maybe it was harsh off me, maybe because it was an arranged marriage I shouldn't be so hard on them. But I see how they are around each other how they allways have been, it just looks more like colleagues or even distant acquaintances to me. No kisses, no small touches when passing, no secret glances towards each other. No Love.

No Love. It gave me a lonely feeling. I didn't want to be alone.

The notian of love came different to every wolf, but we always stood true to our chosen mate. When we are young it's allowed to seek out various potential partners in order to find the right one, the one to spend the rest of your life with. Once you have found each other, given each other a mating bite, you will receive a mating ceremony to complete the bond by blood.

Dominants could bite up to ten submissives to find their mates, we were going more on animal instincts than anything else. How they smell, how they behave around us were major triggers for our animal. Biting would usually occur during sex when the animal is closest and empowers the human form to claime the submissive, to make them ours.

I've bitten two. First one was my girlfriend, she was sweet. We dated for a year befor we broke it of, it was mutual agreement, but I wish I ended it sooner. I knew we weren't compatible, but I guess I hoped she would be enough, she never was. Second one was a one night stand, she was also sweet and very nice but something felt missing.

And that's what I was afraid of, I built up this fantasy about my mate, my love. How she would sneak glances of me when I weren't looking and I would do the same for her. How I would rush home earlier than usual just to be with her, touch and smell her. My soulmate.

I sighed heavily into my black tar of coffee.

“So the neighborhood pack Ironfist pack is holding a single mixer tomorrow” my father's voice laced its way across his giant office desk.

I felt having a office desk that large was ridiculous, and never understood why he felt to have the biggest things, like his chair behind it was looking more like a sofa. But to my father the bigger the better, somehow, like it showed off power or some shit. He even made me buy a hug ass desk for my office. I just hope I grow into it because right now I felt like an ant behind a brick.

“I know” I answered steadily, knowing fully that I now would be forced to go, no mater if I wanted to or not. Thats just the way he is.

“You will take the car, dress yourself decent this time if I see you in anything but a shirt and a tie I will burn all your t-shirt starting with the one your wearing.” He pointed at my shirt and out of pure instinct I took a better look at what I threw on today.

-Bite me! Please daddy- stood out, black on white. It was one of my favorite t-shirts and was given to me at valentine by my beta Link. He thought that since I was single on valentine I might need some help so he gave me the t-shirt as a joke, and I loved it. He didnt mean it to be cruel he just somehow knew I was having a bad day, given I had one of dad's serious talks earlier that day and Link was there to lighten the mood, to give us something to joke about.

“Right this one might confuse the girls” I grinned at the stone face before me. “well..” I cleared my throath to give my dad the best defense against what I least liked in his requests. “The fistpack is an 30 min run I will escort my pack on foot and...”

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