Chapter 42 - Max

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POV - Max

            Going over and over again my conversation with Link I cannot see where I messed up. We were heading in the right direction, tings seemed great, sex was freaking amazing, he bit me, he was mine. Where did I fuck up?

            I didn’t get it.

            And It pained me, seeing him hurt like this. Why was he in such a hurry to get away from me?

            My heart ached, slowly seeping out its much needed oxygen. I just needed to give him some time. Time to think maybe. Then he would come back and talk to me, and I would give him everything he needed and wanted, everything and more.

            Sighing I shifted back to my human form and got dressed again. A long run in my wolf form had done nothing for my restless self, other than get me out of the house. My wolf felt antsy, not liking how we left things with our mate, and I cant say I disagree.

            -Alpha Max-

            A mind link from my beta Sam enters my mind.


            I quickly replied.

            -Somethings wrong-
            Sam words was unease, and I felt a wave of fear sweep over me.
            -Its your mate, somethings not right-

            My feet started to run before I could think, I was about ten min out from the house and I threw my mate a hurried mind link – Link? -

            No response.



            He left? No he couldn’t have, he wouldn’t, right?

            Stumbling up the stairs I ran into Sam

            “Did you reach him?” he asks, holding the door.

            “No, where is he, what happened?” I bark back almost out of breath.

            “I don’t know, I don’t know. We were just moving up his stuff and he came in, and he was really upset.”

            “Oh no, I didn’t tell him.” I sigh squeezing my eyes shut. Fuck I really was an overbearing jealous wolf wasn’t I. Even arranging to move his stuff without his permission. “Where is he now!”

            “I saw him leave with a backpack just ten min ago, cant you reach him through mind link?”

            “No I tried, his not answering”

            “I'm sorry Max, I tried to stop him but...”

            “But what?” I barked at my delta

            ”... But your father commanded us not to”

            “What?” my father?

            I shifted mid jump and ran as fast as my wolf could towards the main house. If my father had hid him somewhere I would tear down his precious castle brick by brick starting with his office.

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