Chapter 55 - Max

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POV - Max

            I walked outside tailing behind Atlas, with my mate sleeping in my arms. He was so out of it and I wondered if everything was okay with him. He just needed sleep right? It was after all in the middle of the night.

            Everyone else was waiting for us outside and a couple of shocked expressions was directed towards Atlas. All I had mentioned to the others was that I had found someone who could take us home. I didn't feel the need to specify who he was. And I doubt they would have believed me anyway.

            Atlas was moving swiftly past the crowd, towering over the wolves. His long silver mane glowing in the moonlight behind him. Stopping in the front he gently toughed the air with his palms as if searching for something.

            Everyone was quiet, standing still and watching Atlas intently.

            Suddenly the air before Atlas started to shift, like a ripple in water, spreading circles bigger and bigger. Before we were standing in front of a giant mirror.

 Atlas nodded towards me, it was time.

“Boomer” I said gesturing to the mirror.

            He looked at me horrified but never the less took as step closer to the mirror. He muttered something about hoping not to land in an ocean before taking a deep breath and walking though the mirror.

            The wolves followed, one by one either jumping running or walking slowly forward. Until everyone from human land and Wolfclan land had entered though.

            Walking up to Atlas, clutching my mate to me I had a good feeling about this, our numbers were greater and more powerful than ever before, and I truly believe we were making a difference. It was going to be alright now. “Were going to be okay, right? Sort everything out with the humans I mean. Make a peace treaty or something, right?” I questioned looking up at him.

            “You know I cant see the future son, nobody can” He said looking down at my mate. “Its not been written yet.”

            “I know” And I did know that. But.. “I just wanted to hear everything is going to be okay”

            He smiled taking a step back “Trust your instincts.” 

            The mirror swallowed me up, making my vision blurry. Taking a step through I plant my feet onto the grass on the other side.

            The morning sun would soon rise before us as warm glow painted the sky in the east. And behind me the mirror vanished into thin lighting streaks evaporating into the air, leaving behind a cool morning mist.

            Looking down at my mate he slept just as heavy as before. Atlas had been right, the trip back hadn't effected him like before. I held on to him a bit tighter though, just in case.

            “Max!” I reluctantly tared my gaze away from my mate and watched Brody walk up to me “Max, you made it! You got him out” He grinned looking at the sleeping wolf in my arms.

            “Hey Brody” I smiled down at the wolf. Nodding contently.

            “Brody!” Boomer half growled at his brother “You're just gonna walk right past me and not even bother to say hello!”

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