Chapter 51 - Max

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POV - Max

“So your beta received the calling as well?” the formal wolf in charge asked me head on, holding a thin folder in his hands.

            His office was pretty much empty except for the bare necessity to even call it an office, a small desk, two chairs and a tall filling cabinet in the corner.

            I nod standing beside the chair.

            We had been assigned a room each and I had left my mate there as he needed rest, but I didn't particularity like being away from him. Even though he was just in the next building I find myself often searching our mind-link to sense if his wolf felt unease.

            “Is he a fairly new appointed beta to your pack?”

The man also known as Legolas continued reading out the questions from the folder.

            “No” I shake my head answering his question. I aced to tell him the truth about my arrival, but unsure of how to proceed.

            The others where still on human land fighting for their lives, and I had no idea if they even succeeded in taking down the dominant prison camp.

            We would need and army of our own to take down the humans, an army of alphas would surely scare of the humans, hopefully enough to leave us alone.

            “So Link is originally from your pack?” Legolas continued in a dull pace.

            “No” I answered his question before abruptly changing the topic “We’re her because we need the Alpha Camp help!”

            “Yes, I can see that, and have you ever doubted you choice in beta?”

            “No!” I half growl out to the man in front of me.

            “But others have?” he continues taking notice of my slight change in stance.

            “Listen, I haven't got time for this! The Wolfclanland has had a breach, the humans took our people and.....”

            “Stop, stop” he interrupted me.

            “This is Alpha Camp! We don't have anything to do with the outside.”

            “You are here to work hard, learn, grow into the best alpha you can be. And when you are ready you will receive another calling to take you back home.” his speech dry and rehearsed like another catalog recite.


            That's it?

            “No, listen to me! There are wolves fighting to there lives! The humans have...”
-I started but he cut me of again.

            “No, I am in charge of Alpha Camp and you will listen to me” his voice monotone, and he wasn't the least surprised by the news at all. “Alpha camp is not here to do your bidding, it is a neutral place for wolves all over the world and your little problems are just going to half to wait until you get back home”  -my little problems? Is he for real?

            “Now lets continue” he scanned down the folder before firing another unnecessary question at me.

            I was getting no where with this wolf. But what nagged me the most was his neutral response to wolves getting hurt by humans. Was he so heartless? Wasn't this some great place for strong alphas, wouldn't they want to help?

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