Chapter 41 - Link

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POV - Link

Waking up I felt better that I had in days. My body warm and buzzing.

            Stretching out my body and limbs I groan contently rolling around and sticking my nose into a familiar neck, breathing him in.

            He mumbled half asleep holding me tightly to him.

            It felt good, and I didn’t want to leave the bed, ever. I wanted to stay here forever in Max arms. But time stopped for no one.

            Sighing I mumbled ”We should get up”

            “In a minute” he answered sticking his nose into my hair smelling me in. I chuckled at him.

            “I like that sound” he murmured

            What sound? I didn’t hear anything.

            Rolling over him I took a seat at the end of the bed trying to drag the sleep away from my eyes.

            “But I don’t think I like that you are a morning person” he says rolling to face me, a scowl on his handsome face.

            “Yeah, yeah, you love me you hate me” I murmur trying to find a pants that would fit me.

            “I do love you, always and forever, and will never hate you” he smiles cheesy up at me and cant help to snort at his ridiculousness, even though my stomach feels like butterflies.

            “Your still drunk?” I questioned, glad I didn’t touch the beer yesterday, that would be a nasty headache today.

            He shakes his head and smiles a bit sheepishly standing as well to get to his own clothes.

            “I need to talk to you about something” I say dragging on a sweater

            He looks up at me, the corner of his mouth gliding up “I need to talk to you about something too” He nods zipping up his pants. “you first” he says grabbing a nearby t-shirt

            “Okay, well...” I start to make up the bed and he helps by placing the pillows almost correctly. “I need you to talk to your father” I say swallowing down a lump, feeling much like a coward for not standing up to him myself. And I realize his father is just a big bully trying to intimidate me. Trying to make me cave and leave so he could live on his perfect, or more like pathetic, life. Nothing I couldn’t handle myself.

            Sighing I turned to face Max I shake my head regretting bringing anything up in the first place, but there was this thing with Zack I could use his help with “We just need to help out Zack, his trying to get Jason to transfer and is getting some...negative....” more like hostile but I kept it basic “-some negative vibe from your father” I straighten the pillows again and walk on into the office.

            “Really?” Max asks leaning against his desk looking at me. “What kind of negative vibe?”

            “Just please have a talk with your father, you know Jason will be a great asset to this pack, there is no reason for declining his request in joining the pack.” - and to be mated to Zack. Don’t know why I skipped that part. Maybe because I couldn’t stand it if he was on his fathers side about this. Even though I don’t think he would be.

            “Of course, must have been a mistake not letting him in. he needs to be with his mate” Max nods reassuringly at me and I cant help feel a bit relieved he still thinks of them as mates even though they are both dominants.

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