Chapter 12 - Max

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POV - Max

I enter the main building on pack grounds not quite ready for our weekly meeting, just needing this to be over so I can go back to keep an eye on my mate.

Kyle the beta met me at the door and did a double take as I entered. Must have been confused about my mood, but I couldn't help it, I was brooding. I huffed out a grunt at the man in my way.

“Heyyyy Max” he eyed me suspiciously.

“What?” I barked back at him.

“Okay, let's get you some food before you bite someones head of.”

I growled, but I was hungy so I followed reluctantly.

A few guys where already eating a late lunch and I sat down as far away from the others as I could. Not wanting to talk to any one.

A big bowl of steaming hot stew were putt infront of me and I automatically start shovelling food in my mouth. I had been eating on autopilot lately, just needing food, not really tasting it.

“I thought you said you had enough food at your place?” the wrong beta quipped at me.

And it immediately made me think of my beta, standing in this kitcken just a couple of weeks ago, smiling and talking like best friends do.

Grunting and throwing away the memory, I continue eating.

“I know your fighting again” he mumbles into his own bowl.

Well that stoped my spoon. He knew? What exactly did he knew? Did he talk to Link?

“Have you talked to him?” I gently ask, wanting to know everything he knew.

“Link doesn't talk to me” the beta sighs “he only talks to you”

Wish that was true.

“I cant..” I start not really sure what to say. It would be wrong of me to tell him if Link hadn't talked to him. He would want to hear it from Link first. And he would probably punch me non stop after he finds out what I did with his foster kid. Yeah I just let that slide “He stopped talking to me”

“Mhmm.” Kyle sipes his coffee slowly “just give him some slack, he just needs time, you know how he is.”

No, not this time. I mean Link and I where known to fight and argue and had a couple of days we couldn't stand to be near each other, which seems ages ago. But this was so different. I guess it always would be different after you had mad animalistic sex together.

I empty the rest of the bowl in one giant slurp and get up from my seat. Ready to head over to my father's office.

In the hallway I stop mid track as I hear a familiar voice.

“Oh its fine I can come back later” Link closes the door to dr. Lin's office and the doctor walks on by him.
“Well if its Minos testresult I have them ready” Dr Lin says as he walks towards the front door almost walking right into me “Oh hey Max” Dr Lin exclaimed walking past me “come back this afternoon with him and we will talk about it, yes” he says pointing at Link closing the door behind him leaving me alone with my beta.

What the fuck? I saw them together at the house the other day, Link almost dragging of Mino's shirt right there in the hallway. That fucking horny bastard, and now what? Link was having Mino tested? Tested for what? sexualytransfered diseases? So since I blocked off his fuck buddies he was finding a new one inside our own pack? How could he do this to me? I was the alpha I was his mate, I was fjuming and I was angry.

And I was going to confront him about this but before I could my father showed up and practically dragged me to his office. My father was a a big beast and he easily grabbed me by the neck and forcefully dragged me along shutting the door behind us.

Slamming his palm on my back giving me a reassuring pat. Something he almost never did, what's wrong now?

“Your finally sizing up again” he says to my confused face.

“I am?” I say looking down at my body, I felt the same. Didn't really see any difference.

“Yes, its good, not loong now, a couple of more years and you will get accepted to alpha camp” he stood tall in front of me, almost beaming a bit. What was up?

“Yeah” I say unsure. The incident about a week ago whent unmentioned, like it never even happened. And I feared the topic about arranged marriage where on today's schedule. I couldn't let this happen, not now. “I meet someone” the words left my tounge before I could think twice about it.

The man in front me was stunned to say the least. He stood a moment assessing me before a wide grinn appeared on his face. “My boy” he slapped me again on my back, relief evident on his face. “Good, good, let's have her over for supper this friday.”

What? How the hell do I back the truck out of this one. Well figure I just go with plain honesty, or somewhat close to it. “oh... well its just in the starting phase, I dont think that's a good idè father” I plant myself in the seat in front of his big as desk. “dont wanna scare this one off, you know” I gently chuckle, partly to hide the fact that my mate didn't even talk to me today. We where long way from dining with the parents.

“What?” My father stands tall behind his desk arms crossed over his chest glooming down on me. “What did you do wrong this time?”

“Why are you accusing me of doing something wrong?” typical dad, always blaming me! I was not the one not talking to his mate, I was not the one who left the day after. “Why aren't you blaming him?” I throw my arms in the air, fed up with this crap. Im actually the one trying.


“Yes its a him” Oh no he is going to ask for his name, what do I say to that one?

“Hu, didnt know you swing both ways, why didnt you tell me?” he satt down opposite me in his so called soffa chair, taking up all his frame with ease. “The Firestone pack had a nice submissive son looking for a mate a couple of months back” he mumbles typing something on his computer “Wonder if he is still single.”

“Father!” I almost barked at him. Really trying to set me up with someone when I'm sort of already dating? “I'm kind of not available right now!” I sigh leaning forward, elbows on knees, dragging my hands over my face.

Well in my mind I wasn't single, the bite mark lasted about three months before it went away. But my mate obviously didn't think about that since he was trying with Mino. I needed to find him and make sure he didn't do something stupid. I dont know what I do to Mino if I sensed them getting intimate, our mating bite was strong and knowing my wolf self Mino better run far far away from my black wolf before I tear him to pieces.

“Oh right, well I do wish you tell me things like this son” he stops typing and looks at me. “This would have made things a lot easier for me to find you a mate.”

Really that's what he got from this? “I dont swing both ways” I quirp at him, getting more annoyed by the second. I didn't want my dad to set me up with anyone, he needed to slow the fuck down. I just wanted Link “I just swing his way.”

“Hmm..” My father hums, and I can't decipher if he thinks I'm lying or trusting me. “Whats his name?”

No, I wasn't going to lie, but he can't be top mad if I didn't give out this little piece of information. I wanted to figure this out by myself and I were shit scared off loosing him. Keeping my mouth shut my father eyed me suspiciously.

“Hmm..” He hums again, and what the fuck is up with that?  I feel like his brooding something in his head.

Done talking about this I swung the topic over on something else instead. My father is who he is, the man was obsessed with me settling down and taking over as lead alpha. Things where working just fine the way we kept it now, I didn't se why he felt the need to rush this.

I guess any parents just wanted the best for their kids, trying to help me find the right path, his path, but that's not really my path.

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