Chapter 19 - Link

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POV - Link

Looking at the bite mark in the mirror it still looked intense, isn't it supposed to fade away? Well it's got about three weeks left, so I guess it still needed a bit more time.

It would be okay I thought to myself, I would just wear a shirt when the pack came tomorrow. But then it was the problem with the chip, pink just wasn't going to cut it.

Black marker in hand I sat down on my shoebox bed and open up the bedside drawer. Pulling out the pink bugger I started painting it black, and the marker coverd the pink nicely. The back was white so I didn't need to paint that, only the pink front where our pack logo was molded out. Holding onto the needle in the back I dug the marker into every pink nook and cranny I could find, covering my up my big, fat lie.

Well that was easy, holding the pin up I carefully inspected it, it was a bit more shiny now with the black marker on. Tracing my finger over it my finger went black, smudging the marker off and leaving it pink again, shit. The pinn had some sort of coat on it, making it hard for the marker to stick to it.

Covering it up again I gently lay it down In my bedside drawer, maybe it just needed to dry for a couple of hours.

Shutting the drawer and putting the cap back on I needed to stop worrying about my chip, so I concentrated about work instead.

So I head up the stears to Max office. I needed to run up to east patrol for my afternoon shift, but first I had to pick up the next month's patrol list, day and night shift, and hang it up in the fighting den where we kept a wall for all the wolve's worklists.

I knocked and waited for his response to enter. I felt a bit awkward waiting outside, because all my life knowing Max I had always barged in his door. Even when he had a girlfriend, I would just do as usual walk right through looking for him.

Luckily there had been no interruption on my part, had been a bummer walking in on them fucking. Seems a bit odd that I didn't catch them in the act? Not even once.

“Come in” Max voiced through the door. Mind in all fussy I enter and walk up to him. “you dont need to ask Link, you can just go in like you always do”

I sigh not really knowing what to say. What if I walked in and he was having sex? Yeah I know he has to wait until the bite mark goes away. But will he know when its gone? Maybe the feeling will fade for him, or maybe it has. “No I cant” I stated. Yeah he will soon move on to the next mate, and I for one wasn't going to catch them fucking.

He looked up then, a bit confused, but also sad. “Of course you can” I know he wanted to go back to the way we were. Best friends, but thing have changed between us, I feel lost, and I dont know how to find my way back.

“Im heading up to east patrol and I just came to pick up the wolves work list so I can hang it up on my way over.” I say looking down at my black fingertips.

“Yeah, I have them here.” he stands walking over to the other side of his massive desk and flipps through some papers before finding a couple laminated. “Oh hey, I almost forgot, I just spoke to Elinor at the test clinic about you missing your chip.” Max eager voice got my head spin at the words of test clinic.

“No, I said I will fiks it,why...” suddenly feeling a bit lightheaded I yell at him “why did you call them?

“I..... I'm sorry Link I just tried to help.”

“What... what...?” My words came out in a fumble and i cant think straight.

“They said it must have gotten lost somewhere along the line but assures me that they are sending a new one, its probably here by the end of next week.”

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