Chapter 14 - Max

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POV - Max

I hear Link entering the house and dragging his feet across our living room and making his way towards his bedroom. Alright here we go, keep it casually, I mentally prepare myself, keep it cool, you did nothing wrong and slightly out of your boundry limits this morning.

A door opens and closes as I asume he went into his slightly empty bedroom. Well the man didn't keep much stuff anyway, and well now it was barely a bedroom with a dresser and a desk.

Sipping my coffee I stared down at the floor in the kitchen, leaning casually at the counter top, listening at his shuffling feet.

Would he be mad? Probably

Was it worth it? Definitely

The door open and closes again and I hear him walking towards the kitchen. Rounding the corner I see him slightly sniffing the air and zooming in on me.

Well there weren't that many wolves lingering in the kitchen this early in the afternoon. So he spotted me easily, but I kind of liked him sniffing me out, and I wondered what I smelled like to him.

“Hey” he greets me pointing his thumb in the direction of his bedroom. “Do you know what happened to my bed?” His eyes looked a bit puffed, was he tired? Hadn't he slept well lately?

“Hmmm” I hum out taking another sip of my lovely black coffee.

“Okay...” Link drawles out “do you know where it went?”

“Mhmm.... needed more wood for the bondfire” I stated casually filling my half full cup up again, desperatley needing to keep my hands occupied.

He looked confused, but luckily not angry, not yet anyways. “I'll get you a new one.”I said making my way past him.

I'll get him a new bed alright, with no legs whatsoever. Plain cold metal box that was for sure, not really needing it that comfy either. My bed should be the better alternative. Maybe I should delay the order a couple of days, no no, no need to be getting petty, I would get him back into my bed soon enough.

Couple of days later at the bond fire and i'm a very happy alpha.

The bondfire was a monthly gathering of the pack wolves, all the houses on pack ground shared a meal, each house bringing food to the table and we all digg in. Games were prepared for the children, just some simple sniff out the bacon or the good old obstacle course which was fun for both children and adult wolves. It was nice to strengthen the bond between pack members and the bondfire symolized peace in our community. Sometimes other neighbor packs joined inn and it was great to see everybody loosen up and having some fun.

Fire is clackling and Woodie is going up in flames. I grin as I watch him deschinnerate as I slowly strole over to a litle sad looking beta.

“What are you grinning about?” he asked as soon as he spots me.

“Na... just a beautiful night and a big ass bonfire”

“Yeah I don't think my bed would have made much difference, could have just left him.”

Nope. “How's your new bed?” knowing full well his bed was more like a shoebox on the floor. He shrugs not bothering to answer, and I grin even wider.

“So your feeling happy today?” He says a bit carefully at me.

“Of course” I smile again breathing in the lovely scent of burnt wood, mumbling to myself something about burning an ex.

Yes how low of me, but to my defense that bed was a accident waiting to happen. I'm surprised it was still standing with all those bite marks, splinters here and there, it can have been comfy, and how the hell did he..... you know...Well we would not be seeing or hearing from Woodie anymore and I for one felt more at ease. That horny beta would soon come crawling up those stairs and into my bed, but a little shove couldn't hurt.

  “Do you wanna come by later and watch a movie?” I ask tentative. Please say yes.

He chuckles out, but quickly stops “Seriously?”

“Yeah, just like old times you know”

“Oh, like old times.” he sighes looking more tired that ever.

“Please, I let you pick the movie.” I ad hoping it would brake down some of that barrier.

“Hmm....okay” he ease out “but, not your bedroom” I was about to suggest the office, but it might not be that appreciated. “how about the living room?” he asked

Surprised, yeah me too. I mean the man had practically been avoiding me like the plague the last couple of months and now he really wanted to smooch together on our joined living room for everybody to see. Alright i'm inn. “Yes, that would be great!”

“Yeah just like old times” he emphasis continuing “let's ask the others to join us"

The others to what now? “Others?” I ask cautiously.

“Yeah it will be nice to spend time together” he turns towards Celsey “Hey how about a movie night at our house later?”

Whait what? Him and I together would be nice, not the whole goddamn house.

“Yeah, sound perfect! I tell the others” she grins and walks over to Shella, Mino and John.

I'm annoyed, frustrated and a bit angry. This was not how I planed this. See heres the thing. Link where notorious for falling asleep during a movie, yes its so cute. So you se my game plan was me and him, talking and having some funn, messing around a bit, throwing some popcorn, half naked ofcourse, because I turned the heater on. And then right in the middle of the movie, where it mostly gets boring, Link slowly yawns and looks for a shoulder to lay on, and ofcourse im there. But now there will be several other shoulders in the way!

“You okay Max?”  Link gently nudge my elbow, and I guess I floated too far into my subconscious.

No i'm not okay, stop dragging more wolves into our time together. Why are you putting more distance between us? “Yeah” I sigh not really sure what else to say. “See you later I guess.”

“Okay” he nods pulling his hands into his sweater pockets filling his lungs with a big breath of oxygen. “I'll save you a seat” he says before walking away.

His going to save me a seat? Well well well, someone's eager for movie night? Well maybe not but i'm going for it anyway.

Well the movie night didn't go as planned, it never does, but it actually wasn't that bad. No he hadn't saved me a seat, and I had to contain my strong alpha aura and not take it out on my fellow house wolves. Although my wolf where itchy to scare everyone off, I sat down, a couple of wolf heads between us and I tried to focus on everything else.

It was a comedy so everyone where laughing and talking, it was nice. On several occasions I caught a glimpse of Link's eyes on me. What? he was afraid I get angry and breake the TV? or throw out everyone?

Really? I could control myself, I wouldn't jump him, I think. Holly shit his pants was tight, some sort of skinny jeans? They were curving and hugging the hell out off his ass cheeks. I dont think it even categorizes as pants, more like paint.

The movie went on and soon enough the scroll text took over the flatt screen. And everyone proceeded to go of to their bedrooms and some to the kitchen for a late snack probably.

Well I for one was done, containing my dominant aura like this had for some reason drained me and I as about to head up the stairs when a hand slung itself over my shoulder.

His scent were exotic and sent my blood on fire.

“That was nice” Link smiled to me.

“Yeah” I grin back at him. A bit terrified to scare this wild exotic animal of. “and you didn't even fall asleep, did you like the movie?”

“Mhmm...” he humes, and did he just look me up and down? Or did I just imagine it? “I liked it” Still smiling he pulled back his arm and punched me lightly in the shoulder. “Good night brother!”

He walked past me down the hall, into the kitchen and out of my sight. Brother? Well not exactly what i'm going for, what happened to daddy? I sigh and drag my feet up the stairs to my cold and dark bedroom. Filling my sleep whit paint for some odd reason.

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