Chapter 25 - Link

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POV - Link

It felt good to see my friend again after so long, and the children, they were just so adorable as always. And I actually think Max didn't mind spending time there either, in fact I really think he enjoyed playing with the kids, that big goon.

As much as I liked the trip, the ride home was excruciating. The ride up was fine, I was a bit tense, and wondered what he would say after he found out I was spending all my free time at another pack, some sort of working. And he kept his distance on the bike ride just fine. But on the way home, well let's just say superglue had nothing on him.

And I mean from top to bottom, chest to back, thigh to thigh, butt to..., yeah you get the picture. I guess the big straight alpha didn't think much of it, apparently having the time of his life in the back seat, but for me it was hard, literally.

Two painfully hard hours later we arrive back home and I quickly say my goodbye before scurrying into my sanctuary and away from mr sex on a stick.

You try walking around in your room with a hard boner for the rest of the night and tell me it going to go down eventually. It didn't fucking happen, I was annoyed a bit wired and so frustrated with myself.

I tried going to sleep several times but, vivid pictures of Max kept popping up in my mind, and it did not help the matter in hand.

I was out of my room before I could regret it and haistily rushed up the stairs.

Gently creaping over the wooden floor I found Max office easily in the dark. Turning the doorknob I pushed the door slowly open it and enter. Listening for any sound I hear no one, as I tiptoed over to his massive desk.

Where o' where are you box of goodies? I try drawer after drawer, but only filled with notebooks, pens and papers, not what I wanted. Come out come out wherever you are. Climping half crawling over the chair I try the drawers on the other side. They all glide out smothly, until I reach the last one in the bottom.

I pulled  but the bugger didn't slide out for me. And I pulled and jimmied the hell out of it to no awail, I mean I wasnt the strongest wolf, by far, but as I notice the small keyhole on top of it, i'm thinking it has been locked.

Now If I were Max where would I stash the key. It must be in one of the other drawers right? I didn't notice a key when I looked before, but I wasnt actually looking for one. Slamming the other drawers open again I scan the contents more thoroughly for a key this time.

After shutting the third drawer I hear a low growling behind me.

Oh... Im fucked.

I turn around slowly towards a rather pissed-off Max, leaning casually against the doorframe to his bedroom, butt naked. And I can't do anything but gawk at the man.

“A little late for inventory check up isn't it?” His raspy dominante voice sends shivers down my spine.

“Uhm...” I swallow hard not sure theres a way out of this “I... I... Uhm..” not a time to get the tongue tangled.

“Dont lie Link” he commands looking all macho as ever whitout a thread on him, what a fucking cockhead.

“Just...Just give me the keys” I sigh before adding “please”

“No” He replied in a heartbeat, but there is no more anger in his voice “I'm sorry Link, as long as my bitemark is on your neck, you are my mate and for that I cannot give you the box. If you need any release you know where to find me.”

And with that he turnes on his heels heading back into his bedroom, leaving the door wide open. Did he just say what I think he said? A slight panic rises and I rush out off his office in a hurry, down the stairs and back into my own bedroom. What the fuck just happened?

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