Chapter 39 - Link

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POV - Link

            Half dazed I woke up, cold shivers running down my spine. Another dream, I hated this. Hated how they never seamed to stop, I didn’t even want to see her any more, my mother. She keeps leaving me, and that’s never going to change so why cant the dreams just go away?

            Feeling to clamped I shove Max away, but his hands are like magnets locked firmly around me. Whimpering a bit he sits up in a haste, his eyes looking wildly at me.

            “What happened, what happened” Max mumbles petting me all over like a god dam pet!

            “I need to pee” I lied shoving him away and scramble myself out of bed.

            He let me go without any hassle and proceeded to lay down again hugging one of the pillows tightly to him.

            Air I need air. I felt like I was suffocating.

            Taking a step forward then another I soon found myself standing outside, grass in between my toes and I took a deep breath.

            The pack grounds quiet and calm. Gilding my inner storm, willing it to relax. The night dark and heavy, but in a comforting way.

            It would have been a nice time to take a run but my feet didn’t want to move, I just wanted to stay there and soak up all the oxygen.

            When I was little I figured she would one day come back for me. She knew where I was, where she left me, so the most logical solution was to stay where I was until se came back for me. But now I think if I wanted to see my mother again, I would half to go out there and search for her myself.

            But did she want to see me again? I didn’t even know if I wanted to see her. All I know is I had a ton of questions and the only one who could answer any was her, my mother.


            “You didn’t wake me up” Max says looking sideways at me.

            Right because I was a god dam alarm clock!

            Sighing I sniffed the table for something eatable, even though it was filled to the brim, I still couldn’t find anything I wanted.

            “Somethings wrong, what’s wrong?” he questioned staring directly at me.

            Why does anything have to be wrong all the time, just because I didn’t wake him up?

            Rolling my eyes at him I stick my fork in a green goo testing the consistency, but it was far to sticky for todays appetite.

            We were in the middle of pack grounds where rows and rows of tables was laid out, benches on either side and two large tables up front was pile on pile with food both from us and our two other neighbor packs who was joining us today.

            “Hey Max” a tall brunet called at him, bumping inn between us and started shoveling the green mass onto her already full plate. “Your looking great, what on earth have you been eating!” she chuckled.

            “Hey” Max greeted to the girl and moved so he was in front of me again. “You know you can just wake me up if you..... uhm if it is anything, or you need anything” he half whispered to me looking sincere.

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