Chapter 3 - Link

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POV - Link

“Wake up Max!” I growled at the lazy man in the bed.

Max had never been a morning person, he was the opposite off me, he loved sleeping in and it was a struggle to get him up.

The man bundle beneath the covers lay still, and I could hear him softly snoring away.

Taking a small leape I jump on the big bundle screaming away at him “wake up, wake up, wake up!”

Groaning an annoyed Max came into view, blinking several times in the light. “Link!” his hoarse morning voice filling the huge bedroom. “fuck off”

I jumped of him before he could bite my head of but not before taking his sheets with me. Leaving  the big man naked and more irritated. And yes he slept naked as any typical dominant male.

Trying not to look to much at his oversized package in the morning day, a gift? It practically had a bow on it, but no no. I draged his bedding with me into the huge closet where I proceed getting out his clothes for the day. I knew he had a lunch meeting with his father later today so I grabbed a hold off a dark blue shirt and went to pick out a tie.

If the small grunting sounds behind me weren't enough for me to notice his presence his dominante aura sure did as goosebumps spread down my spine and across my buttocks.

“Link!” the pissed off beast behind me growled “jumping on me and taking my covers is not how I want to be woken up!”

“I am so sorry your royal highness if you wanted a gentle morning song and soft caressing touches” I turned to face him edging my sweet tone over to a harsh slap ”you must have me confused with someone else!” what the fuck did he think of me? After pounding on his door and yelling at the sleeping stone, drastic measures where indeed needed.

He moved swiftly and clashed his hands on either side off my head on the wall behind me. Intimidating was only the first letter off this snarling beast infront off me. “Put on your clothes you big goone” I growl back at him.

He huffed and puffed, not liking one bit being told what to do. But he eventually began covering himself to my relief. I did not whant to think more about his gorgeous body pressed against mine.

I left him to it as he mumbled small insults to me and got himself ready. I draged the sheets back to his bed and quickly made the bed. When I was almost done he came out buttoning up his shirt covering his naked muscle toned chest for each button. “You dont need to do that” he said noe more anger in his voice.

“I know” I muttered fluffing the pillows, I didnt mind, and it kept my hands occupied.

He sighed and walked past me to his office. His office was in the next room and he has a separate door between his bedroom and office making it easy for him walk inbetween the rooms.

I juped up and planted my ass on the huge office desk. Max stood in front of his desk chair fidgeting with his undone tie, making it rinkle up a bit. That beast.

Huffing out I slapped his hand away, grabbing both loose ends of the tie and draged him towards me. He didn't mind and followed my lead easily. I know he hated formal wear and most of it the tie, I didnt see what the fuss was all about. If I had nice things and luxery clothes like Max had I wouldn't mind wearing them. But not Max.

I tried to flatten the crease out a bit pulling my palm over it, over his stone chest, yeah that was what I did, flattening the tie, not feeling up his hard steal pecs. Making quick fix of my hands I easily made a perfect knot on the man's tie and pulled gently, the man somewhat presentable.

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