Chapter 7 - Link

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POV- Link

Back at my bedroom, I palm my dick through my pants. It screamed for som attention getting harder by the second. Sitting in my desk chair I spread my legs a little giving myself more room. It felt good, but I needed more. Opening the buttons on my jeans I palm my dick against my boxer instead. Needing more.

Dragging my bum forward on the seat I lean my head back as I slowly eased my hand under the thin fabric down my pubic hair, further down past the hard limb. My legs spread wide on their own, knowing what my body needed, what it wanted. Giving my balls a good pull before going further down towards my whole. Gossebumps spread across my buttcheeks in anticipation as I circled the rim, and I moan out through grittet teeth.

I told myself I wasn't going down there again, but Woodie wasn't doing it for me anymore and well my hand was hard to say no to. Desperate times calls for desperate measures, and I desperately needed to cum.

Before giving it much more thought my pants and boxer was of giving me much more working space as I lubed my fingers up. Easing my finger in, my whole swallowed it up like nothing, needing to add another and another.... My whole was insatiable, needing something bigger. Ahhh.. the mere thought of something bigger almost bade me cum.

Fingers in ass, other hand on dick I wandered the room after something to use. I knew I should have bought something, a dildo or buttplug, but never gotten around to it yet. There must be something I could use in here.

Bad timing as ever Max mindlinked me – Link my office!-

Be there in 20 minutes- I mindlink back at him, shit maybe I should make it 30min.

Now!- he commanded using his alpha voice and I couldn't do anything but to comply.

That fucking cockhead just thought he could order me around whenever? When I say 20 min, that means I need 20 min. Rallying myself up I shove my pants back on, leaving my cock in an awkward angle, but I didn't fucking care. I went to wash my hands and started marching up to his office, my breathing were uneaven, I was over horny and fuming, this was not going to end well.

Slamming the door shut behind me I stare the fucker down “What?” I growled at him.

Bad move

If the alpha wasn't angry before he sure was now, his eyes bore into mine as his dominance roamed over me.

My whole twitched from his mere presence and my dick leaked precum. This was not good, still holding his gaze I swallowed hard, feeling my adams apple bobbing in my throat. My feet slowly taking a step backwards towards the door again. Needing an exit.

But the black wolf wasn't having it, baring his teeth at me in show off dominance. Stifling a moan my body took over and rolled my head to the side in submission. Which is not a dominance move of me. Alarming bells going of in my head I quickly disguise the move as a dipp off the head in respect.

Baring my neck in submission only meant one thing in the pack, it was a mating ritual. The exposed neck showing submission to the dominant giving him permission to mate and bite, to clame.

Staring down his carpet im to scared to move. Did he notice?

“Sit down Link” his voice was still gruff and a little out of breath.

I slowly make it forward to the chair, the tension getting thicker by the second. He wasn't letting go off his dominante aura, his musky scent hitting me heavy the closer I get to the chair. I feel him staring me down and I keep my eyes glued to the flor.

Sinking my butt down on the leather chair I gritt my teeth as my hard dick gets more restrictions. Max takes my teeth baring as a sign of dispute and growls back at me.

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