Chapter 56 - Link

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POV - Link

      “Just leave!” I bark frustrated by the wolf hanging around me.

      I didn't need him here, I didn't need anybody.

      “Lu” Maddie sighed taking a step closer.

      But I really didn't need his pity. My wolf felt itchy and my body was aching all over, I just needed some space.

      Max had left shortly after our conversation along most of the other dominant wolves that wasn't severely injured. While the rest of us was taking the wounded wolves back to the aircraft hangar to wait for transportation out of this place.

      Max was needed with them, he was a strong alpha and they needed him in the battle. I could understand that, I really did.

      “Maddie, please don't” I shook my head slightly annoyed at the boy. I didn't want to snap at him in anger, but he needed to back the hell of, before I did something stupid, like punching him in the face. Taking a deep breath I tried unsuccessfully to calm myself down, but the bubble in my throat didn't want to go away.

      “I'll leave Lu, but just know its okay to be upset. If I was pregnant and my mate left me, I would be upset to.”

      Clutching my teeth from growling at the boy I picked up the bag filled with bandages and stomped my way out of the small makeshift hut.

      Max didn't leave me, he needed to go, so he left and that's it, he didn't leave me.

      The wolves were being transported out in bulks, and there was still work to be done here. There was no time for feeling anything if you ask me. My stupid self just needed to stop, just breath and continue to help the others.

       “Hey” I gently situate myself on the ground next to a woman holding onto a bleeding slash on her arm. “How are you feeling?”

      “Hey, I'm good, its no pain” She says just like the other typical dominant.

      “Okay, I'm just gonna change the bandage, which group are you in?”

      The alphas now in command had good structure on the campgrounds and all the wounded wolves had each gotten a group number which indicated when they would be leaving camp grounds.

      “I'm in group two” she says removing her hold on the wound and lets me inspect it.

      The blood was slowly seeping out of the slash and I noticed some small silver spots still inside. Great this wound hadn't even been thorougly cleaned. “I need to clean the wound more, this will sting a bit” I warned her before taking out a clean cotton ball and try as gently as I can to remove the silver specs tainting the cut.

      The woman didn't even flinch, merely stayed still and watched.

      Rinsing the blood away for the nth time it looked like the silver was all gone. “I think we should stitch it up” I said pulling out a needle and thread. This wasn't exactly my specialty but, Jonah had been giving us some instructions on how to do it. By all means it wasn't going to be pretty, but it did help the blood loss.

      “Alright” She said taking a sip of the water bottle.

      My legs fell asleep halfway done and my back was killing me, but I somewhat made it through and compressed it tightly with a new clean bandage.

      “There, that will keep it good for a while. You can go to the big oak tree now, they will probably ship out bulk two soon.” I said standing up awkwardly stretching out my body. Grimacing at the pain.

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