Chapter 49 - Max

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POV - Max


            I sighed as I heard the familiar voice.

            “Max! We need you here.. ”

            “No, Brody!” I shook my head, looking down at the alpha.
We were packing up our supplies and almost ready to go when he approached.

            “This is bigger than all of us” Brody persisted “try to understand we need.....”

            I blocked him off, taking a step closer I tower over him “My mate and unborn child are at the submissive prison” I answered him steady on ”what would you have done?”

            He nodded in understanding, of course he understood. Brody didn't have his head us is ass like some of the other asses walking around here.

            I turned to walk away, but Brody grabbed my arm coming closer to me “Twenty klicks north west for the submissive prison, go there, trust me!”

            And before I could ask more about it he turned and walked away. What was this? A set up? No not from Brody, Brody was a friend, he wouldn't have led me and my pack through a trap.

            It was a couple of days run up to the submissive prison and I had no time to lose, stripping off my clothes I shoved them into my backpack and strapped it securely over my back. Giving my pack a firm nod, a signal for them to shift, and they all obeyed swiftly shifting to their wolf form.

            Turning towards our trail ahead, alpha Alexander’s head suddenly popped up.
“Stop” he tried to command me. What an annoying bubble head. “I got you here you owe me!” he barked out, throwing a fit like a toddler.

            What was this man getting at, I didn't owe him anything, it didn't fucking work like that!

            “Move!” I growled at him, my beast more in command than any of us.

            He took a step back.

            Not enough.

            And I felt the fire burning deep down in my chest, in my core, getting more heated by the second. Great alpha power flew through my veins and I wanted nothing more than to bite his bobble head off.

            Bussing white noise crowded my mind and I felt myself getting lighter. No, not now! Growling I stomped my feet into mother earth, needing too calm down. This was not the time for this. Closing my eyes I tried centering myself. Grabbing a hold of the only link connecting me to this place, I'm not ready to leave! “I'm not ready to leave!” I opened my eyes and yelled out to the white shimmering cloud surrounding me. 

            It stilled for a minute before leaving me again just as abrupt as I had come.

            Looking back at my pack I see Kyle already shifted back to his human form, his eyes full of worry. Knocking me friendly at the back he didn't say anything, he didn't need to. It was all I needed to know, I was still there.

            I didn't know what I would do if alpha camp took me away before I could get my mate safely secured back home.

            Taking a deep breath I turned toward my path again. Still blocked, but I couldn't care less. My mate was all I could think of. And letting out a giant roar I jumped shifted mid air and landed on the other side with a loud bang. Taking of into the forest with my pack right behind me.

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