Chapter 11 - Link

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POV - Link

The last couple of days were rough. I swear Max was out to ruin my life, and he was doing a dam god job of it, him and his new set of rules.

And somehow I ended up dooming the whole pack house, which was now under strict lockdown. We were not allowed to leave pack property, and to my disappointment that meant no more field trips to the Red Stone pack. Which he made clear the next day at lunch.

“No one is to leave pack grounds” Max barked at us.

“Wait what?” several murmures followed.

“But im going to my moms pack on friday” Clary voiced through.

He couldn't do this right, It was ridiculous.

“But if its our day of we can go right?” another one voiced out.

“No” the soon to be alpha stated “you may do what you want on your day of, but inside Storm packs territory.

Clary next to me gave out a sad sigh “I can't go visit my mom” she whispered to me, trying to get some understanding of all this.

And I suddenly realise I was stuck here for who knows how long. Next monday on my day off I wouldn't be reading for the toddlers, wouldn't speak to my friend “I can't visit Jack”

“No you can't” Max growled at me.

Well I for sure was trying my best to get as far away from him as possible. Someone needed an extra patrol scout at the far east border I was there, someone needed an extra runner for the hunt formation I was their guy. Trying my best to keep myself occupied.

Max had tried to mindlink me a couple of times but I had ignored him, you may say I was immature, but yeah. Just as now, sitting in the east patrol hut filling my belly with stew, munching on a piece of bread. I slowly hear him trying to mindlink me.

-Link where are you?

I didn't answer, I didn't need this now, for fuck sake I just needed some space. It would take him an hour to find me here and by then I would be over at the north patrol.

-I know your at the east patrol hut eating.

What? I looked around to see if I could spot the big goon. But he was no where to be seen.

-How did you now that?
I caved and mindlinked back.

-Helix told me.
He stated right back.

I skimmed the heads at the table and found Helix one easily, fucking snitch, he kept his eyes down as I continued to stare at him.

-I'll be at the east hut in 10min to pick you up.

-No im heading up to north patroll, they had a landslide and i'm checking it out.
I voiced back in desperation to get away from him.

-Yeah I know i'm coming with.

And that was that, mind-link gone, he was through talking. Fucking alpha cockhead. I chugged down the rest off my bowl, tossed my half eaten piece of bread at Helix, fucking rat. Thought I heard him mutter some sort off sorry before picking up the bread and eating it.

It didn't take long befor Max land rover were heard from down the road and I reluctantly had to go with him. Well for this to be over with fast, I surely would do my best to quickly secure the scene, avoid any awkward talking and get myself out of there in a hurry.

Which is exactly what happened, Max tried to pick up the conversation a couple of times, but I really didn't feel like talking, so I brushed if of and went on to securing the area with the landslide, it wasnt big, but we needed to make sure the damage wasn't to severe and that it wouldn't acure again.

“Okay, im gonna shift and runn up to the nort patrol hut, I'll give them information about the circumstances of the landslide.”

And before he could argue I was already undressed and shifted  to my wolf form, giving me a clear exit from the alphas suffocating grip.


Heading out from my bedroom one late afternoon I runn into Mino, one of our young chefs, his potato salad is the best ever. “Hey Mino” I gently greet him walking past him.

“Hey Link” he smiles kindly at me “dinner is almost ready, just need to get some herbs from the garden” he scratches his tummy and all the way back to his side.

“Great what are we having?”

“Lasagna” he smiles wider “Its Wendy's birthday so I made her favorite” This was Mino in a shoebox, always thinking of others, doing everything to please them.

He seemed to be still scratching his backside “Wait a minute Mino” I put my arm on his hand and gentley stopped him from scratching. “Why are you itching?”

“Oh I got a small rash, no biggie.” he tried to walk away but I held his arm steady.

“Well okay, just let me see.”

“Its nothing Link” he said lifting his shirt up a bit to reveal heavily red spots on his upper body. “Oh..” he exclaimed a bit shocked “it wasn't this bad this morning”

“Well this does not look okay Mino” I said looking at his stomack. “Turn around let me look at your back.”

He turned and it looks just as bad. And there was several scratch marks all over his body making the rash look even more red. “Is it bad?.... oh... im ugly aren't I”

“No Mino you are most definitely not ugly, you just have a bad rash, it might be an allergic reaction. Have you eaten anything unusual lately, or rolled around in any nettle?”

He scoffs at me and quipts“I do not roll in weed thank you very much”

“Okay” I say rolling my eyes at him “We need to test you for allergies, I'll talk to dr. Lin. In the meantime i think Kim has a soothing lotion for rash, can you go to him before dinner and ask if you could borrow some?”

“Yeah yeah” he says in a tired tone scratching his belly again.

The kid was two years younger than me but sometimes I felt like the grandfather. “Stop scratching, it will get more infected.” I say as I push his hand away.

“Its my body” he quipped.

“Hey im only helping your body” I lift up my hands in surrender as I feel a knowing musky scent behind me. A scent I know all to well.

“Il just go and grab that thing we talked about” Mino says squires awkwardly away.

I feel him breating down my neck, and I tremble from the warm air making goosebumps all the way down to my butt. Swallowing hard I try to mask how my body reacts to him. I can't be turned on just by him standing behind me, things just dont work like that. But hell here we are.

Turning I take a couple of strides away from the burly beast, seriously what have he been eating the last week. He looked more buff than ever.

“Why are you talking to Mino?” he growled out once we establish some sort of eye contact.

“Is that a new rule?” I quipped back at him “no one talks to Mino?” he had some nerve trying to control us like this.

“No” he ansvers looking down on the floor.

Well before he could make up another rule I took a quick detour out the back, leaving him in his own mess.

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