Chapter 34 - Max

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POV - Max

Wolves were never meant to be alone, we were made for a pack, together. And once we found the right mate it was for life.
A bite in our world, was kind of a big thing, it meant you were mated. And being mated was a big deal in wolfclanland, it means you had succeeded in finding someone to connect to, to share everything with.

One bite to test the water, two bites to seal the deal.

I had trouble keeping my teeth of my man, and that for good reason. I was drawn to Link in more ways than one, I never understood the bond we shared before. He was my bestfriend, he was my Beta, and now my mate. Link was my everything.

I always felt protectiv over Link, he wasn't fragile, no that wasn't it. Got himself in trouble a few times tho, a bit of an hothead, can't deny that, but he always got himself out of trouble just as easy. But somehow I felt he needed me, or maybe it was just hopeful thinking, me wanting to be needed, wanting him to need me.

Never in my life have I ever felt this way about anyone, and that thought just made me see it more clearly. Made me see what I needed to do.

I needed to seal the deal.

Ducking my head, I enter the kitchen for a late breakfast. Most guys are still here munching away on their food, and as soon as I enter, all eyes are on me, well I'm practically the elephant in the room these days anyway.

But also, I have notice my alpha aura increasing, even tho I keep it close to my heart, their animal instincts still notice my powers. Luckily I have not frighten anyone off yet.

An high pitch from the corner, and a tiny wolf form scurries out the door I just entered. Oh... right. Mino was a bit frighten of me, maybe I should have a talk with him?

Turning slightly towards the door again a familiar voice stops me from walking out. “Oh.. dont you dare!” his voice harsh and full of demands, and only one wolf speaks to me like that.

Turning towards my mate I grin down at a curly set of hair.

Swallowing a bit unsure I tilt my head in the direction Mino's wolf went “I think Minos afraid of me” I say lovering my voice a bit not needing everyone's attention even tho all eyes are still glued on me.

Link's eyes are inspecting me carefully before huffing out “Mino's just unhappy you scratched his kitchen!” He turned on his heels, crossing the kitchen floor and yank open the fridge.

A quick mindlink enter my head

-Fix the kitchen, and you fix Mino

Grinning I take a seat amongst the rest of the wolves, and are happily greeted with friends.

Finding a plate and start filling it with eatebol content was easy enogh. I ate more than usuall, but given my seize, it wasn't unusuall. Link joins in sitting across from me, juice in one hand and a pickle in the other.

-If I asked nicely, would you stay in the house today?
My eyes bore into my mates face, looking for an answere to my question.

“Why?” he exclaimed out loud, taking a bite of his pickle.


“Thats just begging, just tell me why”

I figured the truth might be appreciated here so I tolled him the real reason why I wanted him locked up or so to speak. Wolves from other packs entered our territory from time to time, usually just passing through and others old friends wanting to bond with us.

“The Opax pack are entering our grounds in an hour or so”

The whole table groaned, yeah the Opax pack wasn't exactly a nice pack, or a friendly one for that matter. They had a take what you want and give nothing in return pollicy. Not exactly welcoming.

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