Chapter 59 - Max

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POV - Max

    Standing in the middle of my bedroom it feels like nothing has ever happened and we are right where we left of. But I know in my heart that’s not true, its the little things, like my bedroom now smells like sweet milk, and another heartbeat is neatly thumping right next to ours.

   But I still cant believe this little cub is ours.

   My hand glides gently over his soft fur for the nth time tonight, just checking.

   Other things have changed as well of course, everything has an impact.

   Humans have never been a thing we knew how to fear. And this has surely created a massive ripple into our wolves’ heart and pride. We thought we where indestructible, well I sure did, until they took something I loved. The pain cannot be described, and the loss would have ended me.

    I can see it in every wolf, the pain still growing, the fear of the unknown.

   We are all gathered back home again, the wolves they imprisoned now free, all the wolves that before had been living on human land now filled up our Wolfclan land taking their rightful place along side their own kind. And I knew who was the reason for our safety.
      How much had he sacrificed? And what will we do if the humans come at us again? What if they take my child next? A bubble ascend in my throat and I blink away the sadness.

    Lots of unanswered questions throbbed inside my restless mind.

    Sighing I walk across the room and stare out into the black night. Its beautiful with stars blinking up ahead as silence roaming the earth. So quiet.

    I feel him before I see him. Swiftly moving in between the trees just outside my home.

    One last look at my sleeping mate and child how they look so precious sleeping together, it stings my eyes. Detaching myself away from them I carefully walk out to meet him.

    The silence much airier out here and cold by the look of it as my breath fogs before my vision.

   “Papa?” I question the forest as my vision can no longer see him, but I know he his there. I can feel the family bond just behind the tree line.

   “I'm here son” Atlas whispers.

    I smile seeing his silver hair shinning in the moon light, and I cant help but feel relived.

    “You saved us” I stated looking up at him

   Atlas steps out from the tree line smiling down at me “Your mate is truly special”

   I nod and turn to look up at my bedroom window where they were sleeping soundly. “I love him”

    “I can see that, and he loves you just as much”

    “I'm...” I stop and feel unsure on how to proceed. It's a weird feeling, like I've never been scared of anything in my life, but suddenly everything was terrifying me. “I'm scared...” I whispered looking back at Atlas who eyed me suspiciously.

   “You have never been afraid of anything” He states.

    “I'm so scared that something is going to happen, I'm scared of loosing them.” I swallow down the bubble trying to ascend giving away my weakness.

    “I cannot predict the future, you know this son” Atlas looks up towards the sky and his shimmering skin shines just as bright as the stars. “Anything can happen, but I will tell you this. You are my son, a very powerful wolf and a true descendent of the lycanthropes, don’t ever forget this! And your mate is one little stubborn wolf, I don’t believe there is nothing you two can overcome.” He smiles down at me. His silver hair flowing like fog behind him.

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