Chapter 6 - Max

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POV - Max

Link was a hot headed dominant male, and I did believ him when he told me he wasn't interested in Zack. But the man was a ticking bomb these days, something about him, I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

Everyone else followed my lead easily, bowed their heads, submitted to me, trusting me and my decisions. Link on the other hand, he stuck out, but not in a bad way. He was loved in the pack, helped everyone whenever and everywhere, easy to ask if something came up, but latley it like his on fire or something, rubbing on me.

I dont know, he was probably just figuring som stuff out I guess. He will calm down eventually, or else I will just have to be more stern with him, teach him a lesson or two.

We kept it quite simple in the Storm pack, and sometimes one or another wolf just had to be punished in order to get in line. It wasnt often, and nothing hard, and the punisment would be according to the disobedient wolf.

Link was testing my limits, and I dont think it's intentionally, which is good. I think by a show of dominance Links wolf will easily glide down under me, belly up. And I think I would like to see that.

Yes next time I caught him sticking out, I will have a stern talk with him, if that doesn't work I can always have my father punish him, but that would be a last resort. I knew for a fact that my father didn't particulary like my choice of beta, of Link. I dont know why, whether it's because Link wasn't born here or because he isnt as big as some of the other dominants yet. Link is a couple of years younger than me so he got a few of more years to grow, before he gains a more dominant frame. But his aura is pure gold if you ask me, and that's more important.

I didn't want to break Links spirit, he was a wild one for sure. And I loved that he didn't just put up with all my shitt, but he needed to know there was a line there. A line I needed him under.

Shifting from my wolf form I grab a pair of pants and head over to the training den.

Mathew stod by the door, perfect just the man I needed to see.

“Hey Mathew, just the man I needed to speak to.” I take a step in front of him, crossing my arms and giving him  a stern look.

Usually I would give my men a talk to in my office, but this was merely a warning, nothing major.

He straighten himself up immediately, he knew what I was going for, and had no trouble getting in line unlike someone else. “Hello alpha” he greeted me formally knowing full well I wasn't really an alpha whitout the alpha camp behind me. But my father where rarely seen outside his big ass office so the pack had no trouble giving me the title. “I must apologise for being late this morning, it will never happen again.” and again he bowed his head in show of submission towards me.

Well that was easy “Good, that's what I like to hear.” I grinned at him and  slap him reassuring on the back. Letting him relax a bit. “So how's it going with the baby?” I ask.

“Good” he grins “She's a wild one tho, i thought babies sleept all the time, you know.” he laughs a bit dry. “

“Oh, yeah? Does she's keep you both up all night?”

“Yeah, but it okay” he assures me, raising his hands. “We got some god tips from Link, and we have asked Sheilas litle sister if she wants to come and help out.”

“From Link?” I ask in confusion.

“Yes he has been stopping by once a day, to check on us. He's so nice, and so good with the baby, and he taught us the fold and tuck. You know I just thought putting a baby to sleep was just laying a blanket over her, but no there's so much more.....yeah well” he sighed and continuing “Anyway he suggested we asked Sheila's little sister to come and stay with us and help out. So ive already put in a request in both packs.” He grinned and I can tell he is relieved to get some help, it must have been a rough couple of nights for the new parents.

Im not sure how I felt about Link going behind my back and arranging this. Why didn't he discuss this with me first?

“That's great” I sigh at my unwanted headache, but plaster on a smile for Mathew. “The Storm pack will gladly welcome Sheilas sister, its nice of her to help out.”

“Yes, and dont worry its just a short visit for about a month. Link says we will then have established a good routine for the baby and we can handle her ourselves.”

“Hu, Link said that.” What was that dumbass beta doing? Suddenly an expert in babies? What the fuck is going on?

Well I happily switch the subject over to training tactics, not really wanting to get more rhilled up over Link. And ended up talking for a bit over new training equipments that were being shipped from the human world.

Even tho we lived fairley secluded, the humans and wolves luckily have an arragement of supplies being shipped back and forth between the contries.

Walking back to my house an angry looking Jason stops me on the stairs.

“Keep your fucking lap dog away from my mate” he growled at me.

Growling back I easily shifted into my dominant alpha aura and send him down on one knee whitout even touching him.

Even tho Jason isnt a Storm pack member he easily felt into place and bowed his head in submission. He knew he had messed up, but I also understod the anger he fjumed for the protection of his mate.

“Im sorry alpha” he eased out the words slowly and I let my dominant aura slumber down a bit for him to stand.

“Im sorry, but please Zack needs some time, he doesn't want to deal with anyone right now. Link cant just show up at his door like that his.....” and I cut him of.

“Link did what?” I bark at Jason.

“Well he showed up at Zack's door a couple of hours ago.”

“Jason, go back to Zack. I'll deal with Link, he wont bother Zack no more” I say through clenched teeth.

This bastard went over my command! He was not getting away with this, he needed to get that butt of his in line.

I now knew what I had to do as I marched into my home and up to my office before mind connected Link up to me. I was angry, annoyed, and so pissed off and he sure as hell wasn't getting off with a warning.

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