Chapter 18 - Max

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POV - Max

“The Lucan pack are coming over next week, and I want everyone to wear their chip, can you guys make sure they all have them on?” I sat in front of my desk both my beta and delta sat in the chairs opposite me.

“Why are we supposed to do that?” Link exclaimed.

“It's just a formality, they also got their chip and I think it's a great opportunity, just put yours on” It was a great opportunity for the packs to mingle and possibly meet their mate.

“I... I haven't gotten it yet.” He slowly say fidgeting a bit with his sweater hem.

”You haven't gotten your chip yet?” I ask him surprised “Everyone has gotten it. Haven't they?”

“I'm not sure, I can ask around, maybe a couple is missing, dont worry” He quickly adds reassuringly “I will handle it.”

Alright, well good, I nod at my mate. I didn't know the wait would be this long, but I guess the test clinic had been swamped with wolf packs getting their chip lately. I better check it out for myself though, to see if it was a problem with some of the tests.

We did send them in manually by the help of our pack doctor, maybe there was a envelope missing or something.

I dismissed the two wolves, they were free to go. We had a mandatory weekly meeting, they both did a good jobb helping me with my alpha duties and it was nice to have them by my side.

Link was more around these days, seeming a bit tired, but coming more out of his room. To my dismay it had rarley been any jerking off sesions and I wonder if the mating bite is starting to wear of. Did i not feel his needs anymore? That thought didn't lay good with me, and a part of me felt like I was losing him.

Later that afternoon I was walking over to my fathers house for our weekly dinner. It was stuffy and formal, both the things I hate.

Smoothing out my tie I knock on their door. They had a separate wing in the main house all to themselves, containing bedrooms, living room, kitchen and a grand dinning hall. It was where I grew up, tho my room where now a, what did my mother call it again? A place of zen? Well it was hers now, where she did her yoga and meditation or some shit.

My father opened the door and I greeted him formally with a handshake I knew he liked. “Father”

“Greate just on time, dinner is ready”

Of course he had drilled me from birth about being on time. - Nothings more important than beeing on time, it says something about a man – he had exclaimed more times than I could count.

“June” my father says to my mother already sitting ready at the dining table waiting “look at our boy, isn't he sizing up nice.”

“Oh yes” se answers taking a stand to bow at us, showing her submission. Bile rises in my throat as I force it down again. “really nice”

I walk up to her and kiss her cheek. “thank you mother”

We all take our seat at the all to grand table. Seriously you could fit about twenty dominant males around this thing. Instead of speaking I shove the food in my mouth instead.

“We were hoping you wouldn't come alone today.” my father says all to casually.

And my mother joins cheerfully in “Yes we were hoping to meet him soon” and the emphasis on soon made my heart speed up.

I know I was running out on time. But the last thing I needed was pressure from them as well.

I hum into my food not really tasting any of the meat.

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