Chapter 54 - Link

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POV - Link

Our feet planted back outside on the grass I turn towards my mate questioningly “So do you remember anything from your past lives?”

“No” he simply shrugs walking back the way we came from.

“What? Nothing?” I ask again half jogging next to his large steps. “No ancient battle moves or a secret cave with lots of treasures?”

“Treasures?” he question looking down at me.

“Yeah gold and diamonds hidden somewhere, from all the lives you lived” I grinned up at him “all the battles you fought, and all you have seen and experienced throughout all those years” I turn towards the path and jump over a rock to catch up to him again.

“No” he sighs and I can feel it weighing him down a bit. The news must have struck him hard, but I guess its fairly normal after hearing he is immortal. Because that's what he was right?

“You're immortal, right?” I ask linking our hands together.

“Nooo....” He drags it out and I can hear him questioning it himself “I wouldn't call it that, I've been born several times. So its just multiple lives I guess, I don't know it, doesn't really matter now” he says squeezing my hand looking down at me “We found a way out of alpha camp and we need to get back home to our pack, that's what matter the most now”

            Yes, we where needed back home. And I wondered what had happened to my friends at the submissive prison, where they all alright? And the wolves in the dominant prison had they gotten everyone out? Where everyone safe now?

Pain shot across my belly and I winced hunching over rubbing the acing spot until the pain slowly disappeared.

“What happened!” Max is looking down at me with worried eyes.

“It's fine, we're fine” I say to try and relax the big beast hovering over me. “I just need to take it slower”

Max doesn't look any more relaxed as he jogs In circles around me. “Max please, I'm getting dizzy, just relax!” Taking deep breaths I was about to tell him everything is fine when another wave of pain shot through me.

Max taking of to the camp in a hurry before stopping and spun around to run a few meters towards the castle again and back to me muttering out “We need to get home! We need to get home”

“Max!” I quip out to the headless chicken “Breathe Max!” I say through gritted teeth at the idiot wondering if he at some point where thinking of leaving me behind. “Now get you head screwed back on and help me sit down!”

He did as I commanded and carefully lifted me up and placed me down in the grass a few feet from the path. “I'm a bit dizzy” I said laying down in the grass an closing my eyes, feeling my surroundings spinning around me.

“Here Link, you should sit up and place your head between your knees it will help more.” My mate gently lifted me up again. My belly was in the way, but half leaning on Max and my legs I somehow found a comfortable position that didn't entail my head spinning.

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